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Russia Explained History Documentary showcases the evolution of Russia from its medieval origins through the rise and fall of powerful dynasties, providing a comprehensive look at the historical forces that shaped its vast empire.
On November 2, 1721, Tsar Peter I proclaimed the Moscowy "Russian Empire" and the Muscovites "Russians". Tsar Peter decided to join Muscovy to the European cultural heritage, so he was not at all satisfied with the story of the origin of Muscovites from the great and proud Finnish tribes: Moksha, Meri, Murom, Vesi, Pechora, Mesheri, Perm, Mari. He gave instructions to add the name Rus instead of the barbaric Moksel. In order not to invent the "wheel" and not to twist the head once more, I simply appropriated the name of the ancient ethnic group Kyivan Rus - Russia. Such a change in the name of the Moscow state posed a serious challenge to the identity of the Ukrainian people, which at that time already had a thousand-year history. But after the renaming, there was an urgent need to write a new version of history substantiating the inheritance of the name "Russian" from princely Russia. Because the history of Muscovy had nothing to do with the Slavic ethnos of Kyivan Rus. The Muscovite region essentially acquired the name Rus, which in its specific meaning — ethnic, geographical, and structural — fully corresponds to the modern term Ukraine. This gave Muscovite the fake, but still, shine of a cultured, civilized state with an ancient historical tradition. Later, the idea of creating a new history of the Russian Empire was "brilliantly" implemented by Empress Catherine II. On December 4, 1783, by order of Catherine, the "Commission for the compilation of notes on ancient history, mainly Russian" was created. The commission worked for 9 years and, by rewriting and distorting historical facts, created a new history of the Russian Empire, which had its origins in Princely Russia. Contrary to historical truth, the commission affirmed the right of Russians to the political and cultural heritage of Kyivan Rus, and declared its entire population to be a "united nation." At the same time, on the instructions of the empress, they conducted a revision of all the ancient primary sources - some were corrected, others were rewritten, and the third - the most dangerous for the empire - were destroyed. The new version of Russian history was published in 1792. It became a benchmark for future historians of the 19th century and formed the basis of Karamzin's 12-volume History of the State of Russia, as well as the fundamental 29-volume History of Russia since Ancient Times by Solovyov. Historians of tsarist Russia duly set about replicating myths about the cradle of three brotherly nations and that "Kyiv Rus" was the first Russian state. But now we understand, that it is a great fake.
So called Ukraine is most historical part of Russia - Malorossija or Russia Minor. It is a core of Russian lands during thousand years and it was occupied by Galitsians, nameless nation with stolen name of Ukrainians.