
Not gonna lie, after seeing some other mom influencers get really famous for being so negative, this is like a breath of fresh air.  I love how happy and sqeually you get when your kids run up to you, its so cute!


There's a home inspector on Instagram who said newer homes tend to have a lot of problems because they aren't properly built. I'd look into hiring an inspector. Glad nobody was hurt. Stay safe.


I shall never complain about hosting a holiday again… .  Your positive,and happy, attitude is incredible considering the whole sink issue!


Oh, of all the days for your sink to SINK! I would've had a meltdown, but you kept a positive attitude which is incredibly impressive. What matters is being with your loved ones and enjoying your time together. And your vlog showed you doing exactly that, so YAY! Can't wait for the Christmas decorations^^


When we were raising our children, we knew a holiday was quickly approaching because a major appliance would decide to quit working!! 😆  We have a lot of memories so we tell stories about remember that Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter when the....broke?  You got this!  Have your builder go through your house and check everything.  This should not happen in a new house.  Time for🎄🌟🕯♥




We love a humble queen 👸 so casually mentions the house just so happened to come with a sports arena 😂😂 you’re the best Jane 🥹❤️


Jane, you are so genuine and real! Thank you for being an anomaly on social media! I am so thankful to be able to watch you and your family through all of your ups and downs. You bring such joy! I am a 58 year old, retired teacher and empty nester. My two grown daughters live in a state thousands of miles away from me! Your videos help me to relive so many of the experiences that I had raising them! Being a momma has been the most cherished part of my life! May God bless you and your beautiful family! I love your channel! It’s such a comfort to me. ❤✝️🙏🏻


Your so beautiful, funny, normal, not normal, and entertaining. We love you!


Bro green bean casserole & stuffing are both some of my favorite dishes, for real! Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without 'em!


Your attitude during this vlog was so inspiring, honestly. You're a real one.


Big family gathering together makes my heart happy. Stuffing is my favorite.


I'm so thankful for uneventful Thanksgivings. My worst one ever was when I was a teenager and I had to work. My family went out of town for several days to visit my dying grandma. After work, I ate half a bowl of corn flakes without milk, because that is all there was, and then I just went to bed so I would be ready for work the next day. I wasn't scared to be home alone, but I was incredibly lonely knowing that my friends and neighbors and people from church knew I would be home alone as a teenager on Thanksgiving.


You handled everything perfectly! I feel like I would get so stressed out, thank you for showing how to gave grace under pressure.


I could not image 50 ppl, what a blessing you and your family are to host such an event.  Happy belated Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.


chris's  "hEy fAm"   😀sent me - he's like the complete opposite of the emotionally dead husband in ur skits;
LOVE LOVE LOVE this family!!


“Hey fam” haha Chris’ face .. your dynamic is priceless ☺️ keep spreading light! 🙏🏻


I would be pissed about the sink. Talk about doing a half ass job at putting it together. I'm glad you could laugh about it though. You are so much better than I would be lol.


Never take for granted how blessed you are, Jane


Hi Jane, you are my favorite YouTuber! When I am having a bad day I love to watch your videos. Your positivity always cheers me up. Keep up the amazing work!