I LOVE how you guys are shitting on not having gas but passed by a Pass-N-Gas at 47:46. Truly Magnificent. On the other note, keep up the series, been enjoying it since EP 1.
Please bring Devin again if you make another series....i love watching him learning the game...kinda like Simon in NeebsGaming....but Simon is another kind of breed😂😂😂
Devon’s such a vibe dude should definitely be in more vids
I just want to leave this note. I’m here for all the videos. No matter the length. 😅 I just like to see how others tackle the mods I like to play. DF is a helleva mod to get into for a first timer 🤣. But I’m here for it. 1 video or 30. I’m here to watch. Thank you. 💚
im NGL when you said devins got me working i cracked tf up i always say that south park line whenever i start mining or doing something menial in the game, actually hilarious great content brother
You should pick up tomato's make seeds from them and plant them. Tomato's are needed for ink, you can write your mastery class book and save 10 skill points.
I'm glad i found this channel about year ago and I always look forward to your 7 days to die videos. Keep it up!!
“To lazy to hop off bike for tomatoes” gets off bike for every tree stomp Lol😂
You are my fav 100 days YouTuber
loving the series dude. FYI there are 5 citys on that map. keep looking. Big one is in the desert. go east then south
Love these more in-depth MP series, Syzen! Great stuff!
These Type of Videos are so good. Should do more Series together its fun seeing him gain the knowledge
This format gives us far better experience of watching
Dude this series though. Way better than what I've seen on the tubes of you lately
200 days sounds GREAT❤❤
Your giving me so much to look forward to
Love the 7 days series keep up the good work keep it up very fun to watch
Love your vids, only youtuber i can consistently watch when playing 7 Days. Also you and devon should do a series on district zero for V1 if you haven't already. Love ya man
13:57 You do harvesting with the hoe. It hits rly slow in the momentary build, so that sucks a little. But as a Farmer with an Iron Hoe, you can get A LOT of stuff out of the crops. And without harvesting with "E", the plant will always grow back :) Same with trees btw. Just hoe them.