
Can someone please give Joseph a throat lozenge? And it’s pronounced “Ga-doh” not “Ga-dot.”


If the magic mirror told me I was beautiful on the inside, I would be offended. Dude, you’re a mirror, not my therapist.


"Her dress looked like its straight from Party City."  💀💀💀💀


I’m glad you guys reviewed this before I spent money on it. “Like a good neighbor, FishJelly is there”.


“Combed her hair with a chicken bone” 😆
Y’all are brutal.


I love when yall roast a wig! It's my favorite part of your videos when y'all clock wigs. 🤣🤣🤣


I am almost grateful for this silly remake because it gave me your wickedly funny review of it 😂


“Why are you carrying around bread like that? You just went apple picking” 💀 😂


I read a comment saying "Gal Gadot's acting is not a performance you watch but a performance you survive" 💀💀


"busted ass Snow White"- never change Joseph! ❤️


If there's a Sigourney connection, Nick will make it. lol




Mom overheard the rock bottom comment and almost choked on her drink she was laughing so hard. Awesome video!


Gal gadot - Mirror mirror, who is the most beautiful?
Mirror - “you”
…The End


"...Dopey's gay."


"Dopeys an incubus that's gonna steal her soul" omg 😂


It feels like Disney has been run by AI technology for 10+ years. 
Such awful decision making.


“Girrrl, you’re like 37 right now…” 😂
You guys need to write a screenplay, maybe a comedic drama 🤔


"In whatever iteration it is, it's ugly." Joseph, you are too funny. Then Nick was talking about how Snow White/Rachel Z seems evil, and the screenshots used had me dying. This review is a classic! Thanks, you two.


Happily watching this review over and over until the day Guilermo Del Toro makes a real Snow White and The Seven Dwarves movie that I just KNOW will be epic