
That "HEY, FANNY" felt like a commercial break


"Let's go somewhere more casual!!"

Legit just sends Fanny into a Van Gogh painting


Theres 2 possibilities for this:
1) One is just kind
2) One is pulling of a Bill Cipher


I just realized that One doesn’t take Fanny to a different dimension, but rather takes her into a painting! Just like how One would possess paintings to spy!

Edit: After the release of TPOT 13, I am believing she has started a residence in that painting. Given the more things lying around there! For example, the table showing the TPOT hotel.


fan got pulled weirdly
Giving elimination vibes there


One: Don’t worry! I’ve been watching you guys for a while!


I am SO glad to see Fanny talk again. 'Mah girl deserves it, she's been voiceless for 4 episodes by this point (Not including TPOT 10 in Black Hole's nightmare)


There is NO way one is going to do anything ethical , Considering how serious of a favor it must be if Fanny has to sign a contract (that she didn’t even read) to get her mouth back. It wouldn’t involve anybody just getting killed, since they can be recovered . And that’s not that bad. I think the favor would be something like getting them eliminated from the game / if they win the game , one gets twos power . Though I’m really not sure. I think one thing I can say for sure is that if one makes a deal with basketball, it would be to fix robot flower. I don’t care if one is the most diabolical character in the universe, they are my favorite ever and thank you for coming to my Ted talk


ngl this is gonna be the bill cipher of tpot


Fun fact: this includes the deleted scene from the meetup


“I am the man” ahh sitting pose☠️☠️


She hates making the wrong choice!


"let's go somewhere more c a s u a l!" 

Sends Fanny to a painting


I really like her attitude, and I’m pretty sure she’ll host a show after TPOT ends! 😋


I just realized That If one doesnt have hands… SHE USED HER GRIPPERS TO GRAB FANNY😭


“I’m doing you a real favor here”
Manipulative friend flashbacks


grabs with grippers


Teleports inside of a Van Gogh painting


I love One's voice! Her voice is too cute! 😍😍😍😍😍


One seems to be the happy persuasive psycho villan kinda like bill cipher where she uses her happy mood to calm her victims and make them more vulnerable so she can double cross them or use their information for later


Something that's adorable is how Fanny just wanna get her mouth she's like "give me that mouth thaanks- aw" 🥰