
Kudos to the team that created spy hippo. I was amazed to see the spy-in-the-water cam actually have moving legs, and the ear wiggles just set me over the edge. Brilliant!


Hippos are my absolute favourite animal because they are cute and they way they fight is so epic


Hippos are crazy, man. When I was a kid I thought they were like cows or something, but they're actually above the apex predators on the food chain. Amazing that a herbivore is the most ruthless & badass creates in Africa.


Which Hippo moment was your favourite?


The interdependence of different species is fascinating. Thank you for your work to show us this magnificent footage.❤️👏


Those round , dense , and massive relatives of whales lord over the Nile crocodile , and even the regal lion must tip-toe around them at the river . Watching hippos walk and run underwater on the bottom of the riverbed never gets old for me .


My dog likes hippos, so i put this on tv for him


These are masterpieces!


I have a great fondness for hippos due to their charming looks and their impressive combat tactics. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video.🥰


So are there two Spy Hippos? because most of the shots are of the Spy Hippo looking at actual Hippos.


These massive creatures are to be admired from a far, never up close😮


The interdependence of different species is fascinating. Thank you for your work to show us this magnificent footage.


Hippos are amazing animal. Looking dangerous and beautiful at the same time 😊


Always enjoy your Spy creatures. My favourite is penguin tho this too is amazing😊




The first hippo was in shock. He could not believe in what he was seeing. He have to check it again🤣😂


Hippos are basically floating tanks that can run fast.


So Hippos have a cleaning service 😂


Spybot is back! With a novelty of blinking eye (camera)! Lovely!


For dessert, hippos eat hippopota-mousse