Man! This was so fun to watch. I felt immersed to this piece of your world for a moment! Well done, I’m along for the ride!
Favorite video yet! Entertaining and informative!
Your videos are so much fun Jackson! These videos are becoming a regular lineup in my YouTube watching and it blows me away how well produced they are. I'm so glad you decided to start a channel!
Hey, Hey! We have a Youtuber in Seaside! I'm glad I found you! I own a vacation rental in Seaside on 8th Avenue and our main house on Alpine. I've never been crabbing or clamming and I would love to learn! I'm always seeing the crabbers on the 10th avenue bridge and I'm crab curious. :) I'm looking forward to watching your adventures on here.
Great video Jackson! Fast paced, informative, funny, honest, humble, scenic. Some of the sound got muffled a bit but still very readable. My only other beef with the video is it makes me feel so lame. I live here too and I don't clam or crab...But I know how to grow food! I'm a gardener. I just have to wait A LOT longer for my dinner to grow than for you to catch yours. Keep 'em coming J.
Just subscribed. I'm down the coast a ways in Lincoln City. Used to clam from Seaside north to Ilwaco back in the early to mid sixties. Surf perch is my thing these days... am looking forward to more videos!!
Jackson! Dude so good. You are so much fun to watch. Love the energy of the editing, you really keep it moving. It never drags, similar to Casey Neistat! I loved it. Now let me give you two notes since you asked my opinion. 1st, this could have been two separate videos, clamming and crabbing. Second, your two best jokes, the fingernail bleeding and forgetting water, they could have been highlighted with some comedic sound effects. Just a boing or a something before the punch line. Finally I would just make sure that the ending has a little more of a wrap up from you. Was it a success or a failure? Also would have loved to see you eat as it seems like a natural conclusion. I’m subscribing. You’re so talented.
Loved it well done! Makes me want crab 😊
Great content brotha! Maybe the part where you describe your method of getting clams should be also added in a TY short, explore the shorts, I've saved useful TY shorts for later to watch lol and the clam one I'd love to save it for when i go digging in seaside 🤗
I remember fishing in the Necanicum many times in the fall mainly, right opposite your place as it turns out. I was there when all the baitfish clogged up the river, ran out of oxygen and millions dies and stunk up Seaside for months. I got alot of good bait that month.. While living around about that area I had Clams many different ways and the most popular was breaded and fried, however although my friends and I did go out for them often and didn't really grasp the taste so I went to Indian Beach and got my 75 Mussels per day and mixed them with the Clams for fritters. The clams to me don't taste like the sea like Mussels do, I prefer my shell fish raw but with all the pollutants in the ocean these days I cook them. My friends wouldn't eat mussels at first till I introduced them to White Wine, Kabassa Sausage, & Onions together with the Mussels in the shells. Once they start to open dig in is my motto.. Your bringing back many memories for me Pal. Thank you..
Subscribed ... Nice videos! Greetings from Daniel, of Casey Neistat's Monthly Class!
I like your enthusiasm! Thanks for your video! Subscribed! I have a question: Seaside is a very long beach, where would be the best part of the beach to start? North, middle or southern part of the beach? I want to try that next month (May). Cheers!
Please don't boil them alive, thats evil and inhumane.