
"Good enough to screenshot = good enough to sell" is actually one of the wisest quotes I heard, period.


“If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell.” - Warren Buffett, 1978


That 5 mil loss hurt the most knowing how he could've literally not worked a moment in his life ever after that point but gave up on it in hopes of a bigger number


“If you turn 35k into 5 mil and don’t sell, there’s no amount of money that you could’ve made that would’ve made you sell” 
Couldn’t be more true


"If you turned 35k into 5 million and don't sell, then there's no amount of money you could of made that would ever make you sell", That perfectly my frustration seeing that screenshot


the 5 mil one hurt on a whole other level. thats not buy a new car or new house, thats live the rest of ur life scott free


"45 grand is like that awkward amount where it's not really enough to justify buying anything cool or balling out so it's almost more convenient to just not have it." Man I aspire to the quality of these videos.


8:15 The reason Fidelity sends these letters is they can't find anyone that can call and not laugh their ass off the whole time


That fidelity letter is basically them telling you "please stop" in business-speak lol


I've never lost money trading options. The color of the money just changes from green to red and it has a funny little "-" in front of it.


"It literally can't go tits up" - the 5M guy just before his wings melted.


The fact that a guy whent from 35k to over 5.3m and then down to 360k actually haunts me. He could have bought 2-3 VERY nice cars, a VERY nice home and still be able to invest over 4 million in a fund that he could then live off for the rest of his life. The fact that someone threw that away and wrote "YOLO" is absolutely mind fucking me.


This is reaching a level of analysis that is almost philosophical.. makes you think about what you're doing with your life.


"If it's good enough to screenshot, it's good enough to sell" is great words to live by. That's some great financial advice


This was great. I used to work at Fidelity and would occasionally get a client calling in about one of "those" letters, curious to its meaning. I would give them the calm, corporate version of "you are not an options/margin person."


Dude I love your videos, absolute top-notch content!


Benjamin: "How much money do you need ?"
A Typical WSB User: "All of it."


"or just buy an index fund , that actually makes money, but where's the fun in that?"
couldn't have said it better!!!
love your channel btw


“If it is good enough to screenshot: Sell.” (Benjamin, 2021)


You can actually get a "certificate" of degeneracy from Fidelity? I wonder if that counts towards college credits.