I just realized that each chaos legion is basically a different genre of horror movie, the death guard are the body horror and big monster horror movies, the world eaters are the crazy slasher films, the night lords are the psychotic serial killer movies, the thousand sons are the paranormal and eldritch horror movies, the iron warriors are the sci-fi and technological horror movies, the emperors children are the “extra shock value” horror movies, and the alpha legion are the psychological horror films.
The fact you’ve put out two videos this week whilst navigating this difficult and horrible situation. Grandfather give you strength. Deathguard for eternity!
I love how in Lords of Silence and the Plague War trilogy that some of the Death Guard laugh and sing off key as they march, or chant things like “All is ash” with self amusement like they’re sharing a secret. The emotionless zombie aspect is only one part of their psychological warfare. An undead hulk that shrugs off shells while laughing and taunting you is worse than a silent killer in my opinion
Glad y'all are ok and getting through the warp storm. Cadia broke before the Guard o7
Is I may suggest an idea for a video, what about the horrors brought by the LOYALIST legions? The wild hunts of the Valka Fenrika (see Prospero), the cold indifference of the iron hands, the paranoia of the dark angels, the thirst for blood of the Blood Angels or even my favourite boys the Salamanders who use flamethrowers as often as bolters?
The Death Guard do NOT feel any pain or discomfort from their corruption, that is one of Nurgle''s gifts- they dont feel pain at all
I've always seen the World Eaters as kind of unique amongst the Chaos Legions. Most others have become blind devotees, zealots, and sometimes just slaves to their respective gods. The World Eaters, however, have a strangely symbiotic relationship with Khorne. Thanks to the butcher's nails, the World Eaters already craved slaughter and violence. Then a Big Red Dude in the Sky came along and was like "Do all that in my name, and I'll make you even better at it" and the World Eaters were like "Bet." Nothing really changed for them, they just found a sponsor.
Videos longer than it’s been out and I just booted up space marine 2 with a cold beer in hand on my day off. Life is good
As someone who just got into Warhammer because of SM2, Nurgle always presented as the most terrifying one. It gives me the same vibe as Tyranids where they likely leave battles increasing their resources due to rot. That and the sight of seeing a whole army of corrupted marines marching towards you and not slowing down no matter how hard you fight would be so crazy to see
None of these SCARE me BUT had a dream that Perterabo crashed through my house. He didn’t even notice me, just kept going. When I woke I truly realized the scale of 40k. You can be trampled to death by a giant who doesn’t even slow down. You’re not even gum on their boots to them. That’s unsettling.
Word Bearers are my favorite because I like variety, and they could bring out whatever daemon they want. Also I like that they’re all in on Chaos, they’re not just using it as a means to an ends or because they have no choice. They just think Chaos is totally sweet.
The ultimate horror of the Alpha Legion: "Tell us which one of us is the real Alpharius, or we'll give you to the Night Lords."
Though there are some surface-level similarities, the Night Lords are actually significantly worse than the Yautja of the Predator films. The Yautja typically don't harm unarmed people, and prefer a quick kill to torture. They're hunters, and there is no honor in the slaughter of innocents, nor in the needless torture of their prey.
“Life has been pretty chaotic.“ Sounds like heresy
I know how hard this experience is, I lost my home to Hurricane Sandy back in 2012. Thanks for keeping up the content and stay safe!
I love the way you mentioned how easy it could be to fall into the trappings that drive the Emperor's Children. It's one of the main reasons they are my favorite of the chaos legions. The chaos legions are all aspects of humanity, wrath, mortality, deceit, knowledge, religiosity, etc. The Emperor's Children are slaves to vice and ambition. All of humanity's hedonistic desires, the pursuits of humanity with their limits shattered and removed, are rent from their healthy, enjoyable self-fulfillment roots and planted in a miserable, unending dredge through the mires of cloying disappointment. That thin line between motivational fulfillment and torturous perfectionism fascinates me in a way that no other chaos legion does, with the exception of the Sons of Malice, which arguably dont count. To me, the best horror is the closest to reality, and chaos doesn't get much more real than perversions of what so readily drives us every day. To be human is to suffer, and yet desire in spite of it, to be a noise marine is to desire, and yet suffer because of it.
Bottom line: Join Tzeentch. No brain-nails. No nipple twisting. No permanent hangover. EDIT: Okay forget it, go Alpha Legion!
Hey there are people who skip out on content for way less, tons of respect for you powering through all this and still putting out videos!! Good luck to you and your household!!!
The Deathguard part was flawlessly written. hats off!