
Please edit ❀️
Silver Revolution is related to eggs πŸ₯š
Neptune - coldest Planet


Blindly following πŸ˜… let's hope for the best!!!


1) Faster and more inclusive growth
2) Shri B.V.R Subramanyam
3) Five year planning commission
4) 1950
5) Agricultural development


(Edit) Question no.5~
1) Silver revolution > Eggs
2) Grey revolution > Fertilisers
3) Golden revolution > Horticulture & honey production..
*4) Golden Fibre revolution > Jute


Ma'am..plz upload the content for antonyms synonyms and idioms phrase for afcat 1 2025.


1- overall development of the people 
2- Ri Subramanyam 
3- Replaced planning commission 
4- 1951
5 -agriculture 
6- 5 th planning commission


Mam aeroplanes to stratosphere me fly karte hai


Thank mam 
Plz provide the same video for math and English as well
Specially english vocabulary related videos (really needed)


1.Overall development 
3.Planing commission 
5.Agricultural development 
6.5th Five year plan
Thank you ma'am πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ™


12. USA
Chips pack nitrogen  
First President : Dr. Rajendra Prasad 
1. Overall development of people 
2. Prime minister 
3. Planning Commission 
4. 1951-56
5. Agriculture 
6. Fifth five Year planπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


Largest planet: Jupiter
Green planet: Uranus
N2 gas in chip packets
FRs taken from America's bill of rights
1st Temporary President- Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha 
1st President- Dr. Rajendra Prasad  
11th 5 yr plan- overall development of people
chairman of NITI AAYOG - PM 
replaced by Planning Commission 1 Jan 2015
1st 5 yr plan- 1951
main objective - Agriculture
5th 5 yr plan - Garibi Hatao by Indira Gandhi

Thank You 😊


17:00 laughing gas is nitrous oxide( N2O)


Ques.12- fundamental rights are borrowed from USA
First president of india- dr.Rajendra prasad


Jo homework aapko telegram pr send krna h wo kese kre 
Qki koi option hi ni h


Mam session was amazing ,would be great if you bring another session if possible😊


didi ,, a video on numerical frequently asked questions will be a game changer for students like me . please if possible make one such video also if possible.


@2:14 answer green planet: Uranus mam


Ma'am...this video content and afcat lmr module content is same??
We have to do revise from any one of them??


5:47 Mam here Uranus reaches lowest temperatures sometimes but on average temparature basis Neptune should the coldest planet right??


uranus green planet 
largest planet jupiter
chips pack nitrogen gas
question number 12 - USA 
1st president Rajendera prasad