
Just a friendly reminder, for every one of these you see there are tens of thousands of people that lost everything gambling like this.

Gambling is not investing.


You know what’s worse? Bad behavior leads to positive results. Bankruptcy is imminent.


Remember that for every one winner that shows off their massive gains online there are hundreds of bankrupt losers. Be careful with risky investing.


I claim the energy from this video ✋🏾


I've had 50x+ bagger plus on HYSR, bought at around 1/4 of a cent and its trading at 18 cents rn and 20x bagger on PLUG bought as low as low $3s and its trading at 70.60 atm. Not to mention my 5x+ bagger gevo bought at around 1.20 and its 6.91 and GME I bought at 7.70 then when it fell I bought at 6.60 and its now trading at $32. My only lossing stock is HYLN which is less than 2% of my portfoilo. I've went from around $2-3k at the start of last year to around $180k now. I'm 19 and i'm now semi retired as I make a living selling covered calls. Nonetheless this is an amazing find by this person.


Incredible investing indeed.


Made 35,000 on OZSC... they are starting to supply Tesla with components for their mega packs ... also added a subsidiary and are now using Wesco as a distributor. Equity investor meeting Tuesday


How do they do it with option?


He obviously knows someone on the inside and that's some insider trading..


Hey bro do you know when ur gonna make that call option vid?


i sold this stock of 75 shares in 2019 when this was at price $24,bad decision,i was very new at that time in investing


If only there was no tax. That would been sickkkk. Here u yave to pay taxes on your stock profit.


He probably works in the solar industry, made 40k from solar sales, and invested in the product he sells.


Which trading platform is this?


Jesus....I wish I had this predicting investing skill. Any advice my dudes? ( fairly new)


Nice... just wish I had an extra $40k to spare/blow on a stock....

Obviously not for the common man.


I’m gonna see more money than this from My AMC shares .


How do people find a stock that has high potential, is it just luck?




for me everything i invest on goes red immediately not kidding