As a scalper , you can scalp up to 300 pips daily when you have good set up and good strategy and mostly when you have the habit to wait for your set up to come . I’m saying this as a intraday trader . Not every day . But at least 3 days in a week is cool to make money . Then you apply the lot size of your choice
God father please 🥺 i wish your VIP promo can run all through the week for some of us that are still expecting some cash 😢
very short detailed video, and truthful, many you-tubers never mention hedging but you just did, thanks for being truth, risk levels, trading just need cash to sustain after a PROPER TA .
Your video was well-presented and engaging, thank you for sharing.
Thank you very much Kojo….. you have the most educative channel for a forex trader. We know making these videos isn’t easy sometimes. We appreciate you.
i held a trade for an entire week that i got so sick cause i kept thinking too much on the trade... but i love swinging so to me its was an experience
I got out of that 500 pip signal on Monday....i regretted when it blew towards the sellside
Nice video... You got yourself a new subscriber♥️
I love your apartment and hope to get one through forex pretty soon
This is my answered question
God father of the Market God, Eyraim Dela😂
Kojo is king.🥰🥰🥰
we want more of these videos
Emperor giving us back to back Nuggets king👑🙇❤️✅
You said it all, good trading Psychology
Wow that's amazing 😍
Let the videos flow.. Back to back.. Thanks.. Godfather
Sir please am waiting for the part 2 of this video
First to comment boss, Bless ur first boy. I have learned a lot from you. And thanks for this amazing video