>Tries to explain what a Ziggurat is >Uses a picture of a Mesoamerican Step Pyramid 10/10
DUDE the pulse generator room restoration was so well done. Kudos, 10/10
Fun fact: Siege of Madrigal was actually written for one of bungie's previous games, Myth: The Fallen Lords
t....that's not how you say madrigal
At the 11:19 mark you can trigger Johnson's lines in original. I've done it several times. You need to clear all enemies on that ridge on foot/use the warthog and not touch the tank at all. It doesnt work everytime but it is possible to hear it on original hardware
For the folks at home: ALL vehicles were meant to have health. the idea would be Engineers would be present and could repair the vehicles if you found them. Since they are basically just meant to fix and work on things, being the only neutral "member" of the covenant. The health system was ultimately scrapped. the SP covenant vehicles are the only remnant of this. Considering the MP versions lack a healthbar
1:31 one of halos composers we must never forget the legend that is Michael Salvatori
menndooZAAAAAA!!!!!! also that ziggaraut is totally a reference to pathways into darkness
Bungie calling the pyramid a ziggurat appears to be a fun little reference to their first FPS, a Wolfenstein clone RPG with massive System Shock elements called Pathways into Darkness taking place in an alien pyramid in rural Mexico “which is neither Aztec nor Mayan” despite clearly being a Mayan pyramid on the box art. Like the Flood, it had a secret buried under it, namely the god Apep from Egyptian mythology (named in the fan WAD for Marathon based on a scrapped Halo 1 script, Marathon Eternal) who in both this game & Marathon’s lore was basically part of an entire species of Azathoth called W’rkncacnter. The premise of the game was to detonate a nuke point blank by Apep’s body to knock him out again so discount Forerunners called Jjaro (J-Jyar-O) could deal with him properly, which is to say toss him into the sun.
23:54 says ancient Mesopotamia, shows mesoamerica… smh Love seeing restored content for Halo! Gonna have to watch your other halo cut content videos.
One of these cuts reminds me of why they cut the huge amount of vehicles in Silent Cartographer The mandatory banshee to open that door being cut and that foreshadows the generators makes heaps of sense if you're thinking about the flow of the game as a whole (but also the level). After getting the Scorpion and Ghost, the banshee is the last "new" thing that the player hasn't got to use yet outside of the shotgun. To dump a mandatory banshee at the halfway point means that the mandatory one in Mission 8 loses its impact and appeal - because now it literally is Mission 5 backwards with flying up to the high place now a thing twice. Keeping the optional banshee steal on the ice bridge is missable and in enough of a different context that it feels earned and a sneak peak at what will come, vs straight up just undermining the peak of Mission 8 by repeating even more of Mission 5.
Omg the strategy guide mentioned the banshees at the beginning of the level and I went crazy trying to find them forever...
As Count Dooku said, “I’ve been looking forward for this.”
I never knew about that first Siege of Madrigal spot. Neat!
"Pomp and Circumstances" fits that cut section so well, it feels like it should've been there. I gotta say, as someone who spent at least as much time playing co-op as I did solo, having one player in the Scorpion and the other in a Banshee fees exactly how this level was meant to be played, especially since otherwise whoever isn't driving the tank doesn't have as much to do. The Lumoria co-op mod for MCC has a similar encounter where there's a forked path, and one character has the tank while the other can progress on foot, and again, it feels natural and both characters have something unique to do. That's how a friend and I play "New Alexandria" in Reach: I'll go into buildings to clear objectives while he'll orbit the landing pad in his Falcon and protect our Marines and make sure I have a way to get out. The levels multitasking in co-op is something I've always appreciated about the older games. Seeing stuff like this re-implemented was what I wanted from the Anniversary Edition, not just a reskin. I love that modders are out here doing stuff like this, though; CE is one of my favorite video games of all time and the fact that 20 years and probably several thousand hours later it still has secrets under the hood makes me happy. Also, the turrets being unmanned with the Grunts running toward them feels like a legacy spawn trigger meant for if you took the Banshee from the rock bridge straight to the top of the Control Room: if you just skip every layer of defense the Covenant have, it makes sense they have to scramble to man their final lines, whereas if you had to fight your way down and then back up the canyon, the Covenant should have more effective positions already manned when you arrive. The fact there are two Banshees also suggests this was meant to be done in co-op, so both players can jump straight to the end of the level.
The reason Johnson has voice lines at the start of the level is pretty interesting. I don't remember if it was in the developer commentary or a developer speedrun reaction. Originally the marines you got were randomised and while they were playing it, everyone hoped they'd get Johnson because he was so funny. It was because people had such a positive reaction to him on AOTCR that they decided to make him a more important character to the game.
Funny enough, the Sprirt drop ships at 8:04 are shown in the old menu trailers that played on the original Xbox edition. I remember watching those menu trailers as a kid and thinking, "there's no drop ships in that canyon?" Turns out it was cut. Also, if you YouTube those menu trailers, you'll notice that most were made from what looks to be the 1749 build too
Man, I remember when I was a kid being introduced to Halo, me and my grandad would play this level over and over and it was his favourite level to play in the entire game. I'd catch him playing it randomly and he'd always ask me to play "that level with snow" since he didn't understand much English but still loved playing it. I also remember the ads for this game with the dropship coming down in the first wraith encounter and wondered why it wasn't in the game, such a cool vid!
Love to see this series continuing, but I have to say I have never heard anyone say Madrigal the way you do in this video