
From our Once Upon a Witchlight Campaign, which is here on this channel!


Torbek always giving his best to fail miserably, only to try even harder on the next attempt and failing even worse - again and again - is both the sweetest and saddest thing of this entire campaign


Context btw, he rolled a nat 1


When the DM has the ability to cast Vicious Mockery...


It's okay Torbek, words are hard. Winning this wasn't in the cards.


I feel like this perfectly describes when I’m having a mental breakdown


Torbek is trying his best


What people may not realize here is he rolled a nat 1 and played it off perfectly


Alternate title:
Torbek suffers a mental breakdown over colours.


Torbek is the saddest wettest cat of a man 😂 he's my spirit animal


I think this is made even funnier by the way he got taken away and his final words was a really long rhyming poem


There once was a bugbear named torbek
His voice sounds like he's got a real sore neck
In third person he speaks
And he's got hairy cheeks
He's just doing his best, guys, aw heck


Torbek really experienced system mulfuntion in an attempt to rhyme purple..... then imploded soon after 😂


Torbek is having some technical difficulties.


Hearing Torbek cry as he struggles to rhyme brings a mix of joy and sympathy I never knew existed


Torbek, it’s okay. You poor soul. It’s okay Torbek. Not everyone’s a poetry master.
Torbek, for next time, Sporange rhymes with orange. It means baby mold spores. Use that next time you have a poem-off. You show ‘em torbek


Clearly somebody hasn't put their orange four-inch door hinge in storage and eaten porridge with george.


He really got into character for that part holy hell! That's funny and commitment!


Oh, poor old Torbek
Should have written a haiku
They don't need to rhyne


I would greatly appreciate hearing chuckles read his own poetry on taxidermy and how he only wanted that instead of clowning around