
I’m Glad To Say My Official First Short Film Inspired By Rush Hour Is Finally OUT, From Meeting A Kid From Asia To Hurrying And Filming This In 3 DAYS…I Love all Of You❤️STREAMS BACK TMM AT 8PM KAI X RAY!


Cant believe a small interaction went to this. So proud of Kai and Ray for this!


The fact that Ray went from being a random fan in the streets of Japan to being a main character in Kai's short film is sick 😂


12:49 "ray: this is why i change my name. Amerika stupid" got me of gaurd😂


We gotta appreciate Ray for helping a small influencer like kai to be in his movie.


Hats off to Kai. He humbled himself so much for Ray. You cannot see celebrities being so closed to random people and make him as close friend.


Kai really went from posting skits on Instagram to the big screen, gotta give him his props 👏🏾🔥


Can’t believe I only discovered this film today😭


The editing, the plot, the jokes, got this 17 minute video feel like 5, can't wait for more


I like how Kai cenat just trusted a random person on the streets in Japan, invited him over, and then even made a movie. Crazy how friends are made from small interaction like these.


Your friendship with Ray is honestly too jokes and wholesome. Yall both earned new fans fr.


How's no one talking bout the ending lmfao 😭 Tsai literally barging at the girl's toilet was not expected im ded


Bro’s actually insanely good at acting 😭


Ray makes  everything kai does 1000x funnier there synergy is unmatched


Broo We made the right person famous. The things he's doing for his fanbase. Probably on of the most entertaining streamers out there.


"I HAVE RIZZ" such inspiring words


Don’t discredit Ray bruh, he learned his lines on the spot and went from just being a fan to a main character. I bet anything you keep him around, he’ll become a star. Ray killed it for knowing nothing about acting, and his choreography skills SHOW!!!!!


It’s cool to see creators create freely.


This is Amazing


Ray's "No I didn't you did" is so adorable.