Flame : exploded my base to the ground Me : wasn't you base already in the ground
8:49 rip bunny💀💀💀
I can see all of the incredible work you put into this video! I love the storytelling, and the way it was overall produced. Also I love the new skin 😁 ❤
Glad flamefrags is getting more known and much more subs😊
w vid, that fight against hero was sick tbh I would uninstall if I lost a fight against someone with boots and a helmet 🤣
I have been watching you for a really long time i love your content
12:12 what is this godly melody that has blessed my ears
Oh and one more thing yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetlol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I’ve been subscribed to you for 2 years so aka basically since you first started
I've been watching you ever since you're hive video days your going so far
Your skin now has a blindfold? I think it looks awesome! Your content is also amazing!
This was Flame 🔥
W video so good love you man keep it up
The best youtuber
Yoooo, streaammm
good video , keep it up❤
I can't wait