
I have been listening to this every morning and when I am in the dark room at school for a week and when I tell you my brain feels different it does, I have an overactive brain, adhd, and depression and I have been the most calm I have been in weeks.


Bad thoughts l been fighting for 8 years disappear in 1 hour listening Brain massage. Thank you so much


I started listening since two days. I can see the change in my attitude. Earlier I used to get irritated and frustrated for everything. Now my brain is cleaner.
Thank you guruji.


I have moderate to severe ADHD and there are some days where it just cripples and paralyses me to the point where I just lie in bed in a fetal position. I have been listening for 10mins and I feel my brain thinking much clearer and it’s like the fog is clearing. I want to thank you for this track and God bless you.


I was having a migraine before listening to this. I swear, the moment the music started the headache vanished in an instant.


Beginning that sound scared me, 
I strongly decided to listen it at-least half an hour, 
now its healing anxiety problems.
Thank you NipunAggarwal guru ji.


I am serious amazed!! At the beginning of the video, it felt like my brain was moving with the tones, it was hurting a bit like a slight headache, but now it no longer hurting but slowly becoming peaceful... I have pretty bad mental problems and a lot of past traumas... I feel...better listening to this.... I feel... focused and relaxed... my anxiety is leaving... This should become a common healing method medically.


This video has soothed my OCD, paranoia and anxiety. Blessed to have found a natural method of healing. These videos are truly incredible, the masses will be flooding this channel in the near future.


This meditation works if you especially if you overthink everything like me thank you for creating such powerful sounds


I can't believe it! In less than 3 minutes I already felt like floating and sleeping awoken! Oh my god this one is truly very efficient! Thank you!


I started to listen this brain healing sound. I hope it heal my brain and my soul. Pray for me pls


Brain massage, definitely clears the cobwebs to light and a fresh start.  May all your dreams come true. We truly LOVE you for these genius videos. Love to meet you and Bless you in person.


This frequency is healing to my brain. I've noticed a difference after only listening to a portion. And I use it to fall asleep at night. May God bless you for this c😊ntribution . ❤


Been listening with this since 5 days it and i can already feel the difference between my old brain i feel like I'm totally better now than before i can absolutely focus now easily and my memorizing has enchanced


I was a Jehovah's witness for 25 years and recently left because of all the corruption and hypocrisy in the cult. I have come across this channel which helps me to alleviate all the stress and negative energy this cult had imposed on me all these years. I also discovered REIKI which I also start practicing. Thank you for your channel and for helping people who have been scarred, finding their healing process. Love and blessings.


I'm a long term sufferer of suvire anxiety disorder. Iv just listened for 20 minutes and will continue to do so daily to heal the damage the anxiety has done thank you 🙏 xxxx


My brain has felt like it's been put through a blender and this has been the only thing so far that's helped me get it back, I feel so much better and plan on listening to as many of these as I can before I start my PhD program


ॐ (OM) is said to be the sound of the universe, sound of creation and destruction. The speciality of the word OM (AUM) is that it begins in the navel (A), resonates in the chest (U) and ends at the tips of lips (M).


This kind of works , I want to watch another video but , I don’t want to stop watching this video because it’s soooo soothing


It feels like millions of monks chanting  OM in my brain on different and various  frequencies. I can’t help but occasionally let out my own OM once in awhile when I listen. It literally feels like a brain massage too! This is wonderful. Thank you creators of this piece for this piece. For sharing it with the world. OM