
“First thing I’ll do is head over to twitter, that’s where I get all my news”…….absolute legend 😅


For anyone watching this who doesn't understand basic math, what he is betting on (day-to-day stock movement) has been shown to be completely random. WSJ chose not to feature people who were losing money doing this. Imagine that there are a bunch of people betting on coin flips. They all have their own "system" set up to predict coin flips. Well, basic statistics will tell you  that within that large group, some people will make a lot of money betting on coin flips. WSJ would then make a video about those people, ignoring the fact that it's completely random. WSJ should follow this guy for several years and see what his average yearly earnings are. There's a good chance that they'll revert to the mean.


The fact that he's launching his own small course tells me everything I need to know about how much money he actually makes from doing 0dte 😂😉💦


The end game for this guy is selling these courses.

Thats how he makes his money. Not by trading, because I guarantee he will likely lose more than he makes.


This man is a true wsb regard!


He talks about launching an options trading course next year. That's the only way guys like him actually make money, selling expensive courses to be people who don't know better. If he actually knew how to make a lot trading options he wouldn't sell a course, he'd be too busy making money with his options strategy for it to worth his time.


Love how the trader looks at graphs and thinks he knows something


So he will make 6-figures per month next year (enough for living a dream life) and still teach an options course? Sketchy, to say the least.


This guy is definitely a wsb mod.


I can already see that guy selling the "How to 0DTE" course.

Edit: Comment was posted as soon as they explained how the guy trades, but 5:03 made me feel like a prophet.


I’m so glad people like him exist. There have to be losers for the winners to exist


letting trading course guy have the last word is the responsible reporting we know and love


But while the stock market has a rather tasking nature, it’s also a very rewarding endeavor when you have a proper plan and strategy I know for a fact! :)


Bro’s definitely been betting his parents retirement money


Success is not built on success. It's built on failure, It's built on fraustration. it's built on fear that you have to overcome. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life❤️


Please how can i get financial freedom/independence through cryptocurrency?


If he can afford his quad monitor setup. He can afford to lose way more.


If we take aside the whole gambling (and this is 100% pure gambling), there is also him vs. algotrading. There are teams of thousands of the brightness researchers working for investment banks that are being paid 400k just to optimize the trading algorithms. If one person thinks they can calculate and beat the AT then it is a fool


Tried some 0DTE trades, could make $200-500 per day if not aggressive, but needs skills and glue to screen all trading hours. Can add income if daily work is not too heavy or time consuming 😊


If he could turn $10k into a million, then he could turn a million into $100M, then $100M into $10B.  Before you know it, he's richer than Elon Musk.  Why would he offer an option trading course that probably nets him a few grand a month?