
These days I wake up thinking "I was happier asleep, why'd I have to wake up!" That's most mornings


I remember around 90% of mine. On waking I analyze what I have dreamt about. Do this on a regular basis and you can start remembering what you were dreaming. I can even wake up and then go back into the same dream if I go back to sleep.


I once met a girl, and fell in lOVE with her. She was the woman of my dreams. When i woke up, i realized it was just a dream, but i felt the emotional sense of loss for a couple of hours.This happened in my early 20's.


The most annoying dreams are when you dream you have woken up, had a shower, gotten dressed and then  actually wake up and realise you have to do that all over again.


I had the best English teacher in High School. She had us keep Dream Journals. And she taught us a trick to remember DREAMS. Keep a pad and pen next to bed. When you wake lie on your back and roll to right side and then to left and back to face up. The dreams come rushing to your head!!! It works EVERY time!


Anyone else wake up from an intense dream and feel like you have to get back or lives will be lost?


What’s puzzling to me is why I see people in my dreams that I don’t recognize or have never seen in my life.


If a dream gets too crazy I'll notice and think oh i'm dreaming and wake up... anyone else?


I dream about myself living in an alternate reality. A different city, different job, different house, different acquaintances. Not at all better, just different.


I had a dream in Iraq many years ago.  After another 20 hour day that was unfortunately punctuated by the loss of four soldiers, one of whom was mortally wounded and who I laid beside while he was still alive, whispering to him knowing we could do nothing for him but thankfully he was just nervous system jitters and not conscious. The dream that night was so weird.   It was vivid.  I remember it to this day.  It was not only one of my best dreams ever, it was the only pleasant dream I have had in decades despite it happening on one of the worst days of my life.  I thought it was something like Heaven.  It started in darkness, then I heard a low hum which grew stronger and stronger then it became a vibration that filled the Universe and me and at first thought it was the opening to the Enya song, Caribbean Blue but it wasn't because it grew too strong.  It was a strong vibration that filled the Universe and me and I floated upward and felt so loved and happy.  The scenery was devoid of physical objects but was all gorgeous colors as far as my vision could see and it was so beautiful I was gasping in my dream because the beauty was too much to take.  And I felt so loved and happy and joyful and I kept floating upward in this vibration and kept looking up as if to see what was pulling me or if I could see where I was going but it was all the same.  I felt so much joy I was gasping.  It lasted a long time and I lost all sense of my earthly identity and kept looking for my hands and feet but there was no body.  Then I started to come back to waking life in Iraq and as I woke up I was crawling in my poncho liner trying to stay where I was, trying not to come back, clawing at where I was to stay.  I was devastated when I woke up that I was back on earth.  I lived in remorse for a long time wanting to go back or have another dream just like it.  It felt beyond real.  I wasn't my identity in the dream. I was just me. No attachments or concerns or belongings or body parts or worries or thoughts.  Just wonder and joy and love and vibration and beauty.  Hated coming back.  But glad I had an awesome dream Ill never forget. The only dream I remember vividly forever.


I used to remember my dreams in deep detail but as my sleep disorder has gotten worse, my dreams have slipped away BUT I have STRONG Deja Vu almost daily.  I think this mean I am in the right place and following my path as I need to.


I tend to remember dreams that seems like I’ve “spent a day in another timeline”.
Those feel so intriguing, makes me feel like I’ve connected with another me, it’s cool… :)


I trained myself through meditation and lucid dreaming to be able to remember about 95% of my dreams. I even wrote an entire series based off of a deep meditation back when I was 21.
Yet, there is a dark side of remembering your dreams. The ones that are painful and horrific can sometimes ruin your inner energy levels for days. Some are even deeply prophetic.  You must have a strong inner mind to resolve them once you awaken.
Lucid dreaming teaches you how to wake up if the dream is too harmful for you. Also lucid dreaming aids if you are having a seizure or sleep apnea. I suffer from night terrors and with this trained tool, I am able to wake myself up with a specific action in an instant. Dreams are as baffling to humans as mirrors to puppies. We may never know. ❤


I tend to dream then awaken when I need to relieve myself. But every blue moon I have certain dreams that are so vivid I remember every detail & years later with purpose. My latest was just over a year ago. I was in this room, pure white but super peaceful & pleasant. A guy around the ages of 30 I'd say looked at me & said "paint your house". I was confused in the dream & the guy put his hand on my shoulder and said "just do it, He smiled then later I woke up. The next day I had this crazy urge to paint & fix my house. I did this for 3 months, day in day out without a miss. We ended up with a super clean beautiful house & all the broken things fixed, walls painted & all the furniture even restored as new. I left nothing out. As a result it changed our life & in big ways never imagined! It brought happiness & the hall way glowed when the sun shined through was & is still amazing! From a dump to a palace & all because of a dream.


I started paying attention to recurring dreams I had in my early 20s. There was sometimes a young woman who never spoke, but seemed friendly and concerned for me. She tried to show me how to fly there.

I started meditation in my 40s and became aware of this same presence. She eventually started responding to questions in meditation and appearing in my dreams again.  Came to the conclusion that shes my older sister from a previous life, who still follows and looks out for me. I was actually with her when she was murdered in our life together. My attempts to protect her and see her through to the last moment led her to stay with me and return the favor.

Theres a lot more to it, but thats the cliff notes. I've made a space for her in my home so she is always welcome. I always go to sleep hoping she'll pop up in another dream. ❤️ Love my ghostly big sister.


My sleep was supposed to be for me to rest, but what happens is that my dreams are so intense that I’m tired when I wake up. And I remember most of them…🧚🏻‍♂️


We have the memory of every dream we've ever had, we just don't have easy access to them.


Its the space between waking and dreaming which contains the opportunity to go between worlds.  Sweet dreams ❤


I had a dreamwhile in ICU waking up after my second spinal surgery that I cannot forget and every time I remember it for a fraction of a second I feel like I am back. I was on a shore of sea or ocean talking to a man? It was absolutely the perfect, the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. I felt so much love directed at me, I was melting. The colors were unbelievable, you could almost touch or smell, or hear them. My senses were melting into each other and there was this sound. My vocabulary is very limited when I try to describe this. This dream feels so real, more like a memory of an actual event. and then someone else came and I heard, or felt with my all senses "time to go" and the fall began. I woke up in a hospital bed with a jolt, my body felt like I just fell from the ceiling to my bed.


I can remember much of my dreams. Can tell several dreams every time I wake up. Some fade fast and some I can remember as long as I live.