“It’s only a 1000. Not sure if it can wheelie “ okay buddy lol
Engine sound so smooth. I bet in a couple weeks there will be a new bike reveal on this channel
Best 1000 to me. I love my Gen4. Sound, speed, agility and braking is awesome. Throttle felt very sketchy at first ..I had to get use to it. My 954 wasn’t like this thing and even my boys Gsxr isn’t as loose. There’s nothing wrong with the throttle it just that the Zx10 is ready to go 💨 When I first got it, I did a wheelie in 4th and didn’t mean too. It’s a very fast, Bad ass bike!! I’m waiting on the 2021 model. Hopefully they make some more sick changes on it. Not too much though😝🤙🏾
My same bike, after the flash, it pulls hard and is smooth. I threw on some helibar clip on’s and made a world of difference for comfort.
That takes off like a 🚀 The excitement in your voice say’s it all!! 💜💜🏍🏍💨💨 Much love Natalie
His wind screen stickers though 👌😂
I wanted a R1 but I'm satisfied with my 30th anniversary of this bike! Love it!!
This is my first bike, had it around 4 years now. They are touchy as hell. That throttle demands respect lol. Great video:
Glad to see everbodys doing well...love my zx10r you will get use to the right hand chop..Be Safe Salt..✌
Its touchy because you are cruising in race mode. The mode is designed for the track for instant throttle response. Not on off throttle cruising around back roads.
This bike will make you respect it 💪🏿
Kawi power!!😁💪💪.. have a gen 5 myself, and i freakn love it
Say it ain't so bro! Lol, I'm not hating on zx10r but I was kinda smiling from ear to ear when I heard that start up. Kawasaki seems to be more aggressive race ready than a Suzuki. Just my opinion, luv 2 wheels no matter what kind, I just found the gsxr to be more comfortable for me. Enjoy and stay safe everyone.
I went from a 12 R6 to my 16 ZX10R with 3/4 graves and flashed ecu. Unreal the difference in power lol
Love watching that bike wheelie, wolf is nasty with stand ups on it 🙏
Cow-a-socky baby💪 That ZX-10R is sick🙌 I don't think I'm responsible enough for that much power🤪
Jerky throttle is based on the tune. A good tune will = smooth as silk.
Ohhhh thereee it issss baby.... 😁Make a smile in your face
Sick! I’m not a huge Kawasaki fan but the ZX10 is a fast bike! Y’all got some nice back roads.