I can't believe how smart your old man is. He's joy to watch.
Your Dad is one of those guys that schoolchildren should spend some time with because he's so knowledgeable and great at explaining everything! Actually, I would love to spend time with your dad, I'll bet he has a million stories!
Your Dad is soooo good at explaining things!! As an IT Engineer....it's fun to see/listen to. Kinda the same reason I enjoy This Old House stuff...I'm not doing the work, but I love to learn about it and understand it so when my 50 year old house needs something, I can talk intelligently about it and know what the contractor is talking about.
We totally need more videos with your Dad! And maybe an update on his 300k mile Camry too.
Your Dad could be a master class teacher on about anything mechanical. So easy to listen to and follow. Thanks.
I played around with carbs back "in the day" never seen anything as complicated as what you were dealing with. Way to go man!
Lost my Dad many years ago and your videos with your Dad remind me of him. He also loved to pass on his knowledge and I wish I had more time with him. We need more videos with you and Dad!
JR’s dad reminds me a lot of the old NASCAR announcer Benny Parsons. His appearance, demeanor, humor and seemingly endless base of knowledge is very reminiscent of “The Professor”!…and, well, even the nickname fits, too!
Your dad reminds me Gale Banks. He's been at it for decades and probably forgot more than I've ever learned. I've known many men like that in my life and all that experience is something you can't buy for any price. People tell me sometimes they are amazed how I fixed something or know how to do XYZ... and then I watch something like this, learned about 11 new things and realize I may know a lot, but I sure don't know everything. He is a very impressive man and a good teacher. I see where you got all that knowledge from. Learn all you can from him because sadly one day he will be gone and all of his knowledge and experience will go with him.
I appreciate having your dad on the video. So much knowledge. I like how he verbalizes his thought process.
Thank you Mr. Ross and John Ross for these amazing uploads. Truly gems.
I love when you work with your Dad ,you two must have a great relationship
One of my Triumph friends (I'll call him Mik) raced a Spitfire 1500 with the original spec 1500 engine (aalso used in post-'75 MG Midgets) and twin SU HS4 carbs and he used a 50/50 mix of 20W50 engine oil and 3-in-1 oil in his SU dashpots. Straight ATF can also be used as others have already said.
Looks crazy complicated but fun to work on. Glad you found a diagram to assist! Would have been hard even with the video to reference because who knows if the last guy did it correct. Worked with my dad on his MGA his weekend. Will always remember these times wrenching away in the garage bonding as we compete over who's idea / approach is better to simply torque a bolt lol.
Love your dad, he was so happy finding that spare compressor for that ice cream machine. I totally agree on rebuilding that carb yourself, and that we should be able to use the cleaner without the governot standing over our shoulder, because a few people used the stuff without any sense in their head. I rebuilt the carter carb for my 54 m38a1 Jeep, but surprisingly, it was very clean. I did source a good kit, but some parts weren't as good as the originals, so i re used them. My kit came from Belgium, cost a little more, but it had nice diaphragms, new screws, and and the small stuff. Beats sending it in, and getting some other carb back. My jeep came from a governot auction in the 80's, and was never titled, just driven on northern Michigan property in the summer, and stored right. I look forward to seeing this car run. G-d bless.
It’s likely less of a factor of how people use and more to do with how people dispose of it. Since we don’t do a great job of giving people options for disposing hazardous waste, most of the time, it just ends up in a landfill, where it leaches into and contaminates the ground water.
Your Dad reminds me of a friend of mines dad from high school….his dad was a seabee, and could tear down anything, and rebuild it also….
My old Sony amp has that same feature. Love it!
I just wanted to say that it is always super wholesome watching you hang out and work with your dad. Cherish these times.🥰