As always just phenomenal!
That cliff shot with the bow was some Aragorn levels of larping.
not few can master all of these weapons, hunter! may your name be written in stone!!!
Fantastic video! That must have taken forever to make...
One of the best Monster Hunter players in the world, known for his absolute mastery with the Great Sword. He comes and drops this video, showing that he not only dominates the GS but all weapons and monsters. Without a doubt, he is a Legendary Hunter. Congrats my man, we'll see each other on Wilds!
Total control of the field and monster moveset. Far beyond my understandings of the game. Amazing.
Many mental meltings turned on this
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 0:00 大剣 Great Sword 0:45 ランス Lance 1:17 スラッシュアックス Switch Axe 1:56 狩猟笛 Hunting Horn 2:25 操虫棍 Insect Glaive 3:13 ガンランス Gunlance 3:50 片手剣 Sword&Shield 4:31 ヘビィボウガン Heavy Bowgun 5:09 双剣 Dual Blades 5:46 チャージアックス Charge Blade 6:37 太刀 Long Sword 7:22 ライトボウガン Light Bowgun 7:51 弓 Bow 8:22 ハンマー Hammer ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
Man, “Nay, the honor is all ours” brings me right back into when I started Iceborne. Was away at College until December 2019, and that holiday I got it, and it became something my sister and I pushed through together since we got more time together during the pandemic. That song in particular always filled me with a sense of confidence. The MHW OST in general is just so good. Thanks for making something that got me emotional over a silly little video game
I just came by this video by chance, and I'm glad I did! You are amazing! My jaw was gaping the entire time and couldn't stop muttering 'damn' in almost everything! Love this!
I saw that fatalis gs hit and out loud said "theres no fuckin way" this is gonna be a fire video
This is what I love about monster Hunter weapon master isn't just about knowing your weapon. Only about 30% of it all is knowing all about your weapon with its attack timing and combos. The other 70% is all about knowing the monster. You have to know anything and everything about the monster to get the right timing and awareness of a good opportunity to strike.
Man, what a beautiful video, genuinely brought a tear to my eye. The music, the cinematography, and of course... THE GAME PLAY. I fucking love this series and have been playing since Freedom Unite and I'm never going to stop. My favorite clip? As a bow player, that leap to blasting Kirin in the face was as majestic as it gets. Thank you for this masterpiece.
When the Proof of a Hero part hits in the MHGU theme...its just so hype. All the memories come back from being a scrub in MHFU to now being an unstoppable force taking down world ending calamities. Hyped af for wilds!
I want to emphasize the quality of the clips ! The camera angles are always top notch ! It’s really a pleasure to watch that video and I’m happy that I could have been helpful 🙌
Man, I have to say : huge tribute to the game. My jaw was on the floor watching some of your clips. And even though Im 300hours, we're definitely not playing the same game haha. Thank you for this A-MA-ZING video :face-red-heart-shape:
Probably the best video game montage I have ever seen in my life
The timing, read of movements, the calculation put into this… it’s like ART