
Beautiful hair ❤


Hello Mya your hair is so pretty and healthy.💜🌹


How much new growth do you think has prospered while using chebe for forty weeks!


Nice what's the chebe mixture of choice?


Hi beautiful sister Mya. I am on my chebe journey & use Sahel brand but i also purchased another brand that isn’t as dark as Sahel. 
Can you please explain the difference between the light & dark chebe powder & is 1 better than the other? Thanks❤


Lovely healthy hair. Where can I buy the chebe?


Your braids and twists always look so juicy 😍😍.


Are you going to straighten your hair to see how long it got when the journey is over?


Please what is the tool that you made use of to straighten your hair


I got the Mary Ruth just started taking that. Got the Batana oil ( the real one from batana babe)  for my scalp, second week using that so if I get Chebe for my hair stands you think it’s a good idea or just stick with the first 2?


Where can we get the Chebe