
I honestly don't understand how Lauren can get any more perfect, she's so stunning 😍😩😫


Lauren's voice 😍


so underrated and this is one of the best songs that they ever made.


2024 and I'm still hooked. How I miss fifth harmony 😢



EVERY SONG SHE NAILS IT (aswell as the other girls)🤘😍❤️


But like how are they all so fucking gorgeous, like???? how is that even possible?


It's been 4 yearsssss and I have to admit that I really miss them being together 😢


Once a harmonizer
Always a hamonizer❤


2:43 Lauren's look that she gives the camera is like she really SEES you in front of this screen as if you're looking right back at her and she's smiling because you're smiling. Beautiful.


I've never seen Lauren that happy before. Love her.


Camila high notes are so amazing! especially 3:17


I'm leaving this comment here in a hope that whenever someone likes it, I'll be reminded of this masterpiece.


Lauren looks so happy it makes me happy


Favourite part is the beat drop with Lauren's smile and dance at 2:50


OMG finally some song where Lauren has really good solo and she is not somewhere hidden. love it girls. Keep up the good work. ^^


Gosh I forgot about this song. It sounds even better now honestly.


I am so obsessed with Lauren. She is pure perfection!




Normani looks so beautiful
Camila looks so sweet 
Lauren really brings the emotion 
Dinah’s hair is awesome 
Ally’s voice is so delicate


My FAV!!! More more more of this Maddie ❤🎉