
I really like that when you see the family out there is affection and love shown to each other. It shows how normal they are in their lives raising their children.


Hard to believe we are at this point, seems like only yesterday Prince William was just a little boy who didn’t like tographers, lol. He has grown into his position and makes both his mother😇and father proud. Princess Catherine is the rock that William needed, she is compassionate, loves William and is dedicated to their family. I wish them nothing but the best!💕👍✨


Jason seems to be a wonderful person I’m glad that William has him on his team


Well done Jason Knauf for keeping your answers dignified, yet connectable. I’m sure some other people in the public eye could learn a humble lesson from you.


William & Catherine used to live by us after they got married. He was a rescue helicopter pilot and our hospital said he was really good with the people his team helped rescue. She shopped at one of our supermarkets. They were left alone by our community so they were very comfortable with us.


Great interview and a very respectful interview, glad i watch it, Jason Kanoff was very respectful and good on him🇦🇺


I think he’s as ready as his grandmother could help him to be…..and he’s always been as straightforward as he could be ( he IS still a human being remember). I am old enough to be his mother, but I admire him! Losing his grandparents, then finding out his father & his wife had cancer, while dealing with his brother leaving….wow! The stress he’s been under is unreal! And three little ones …always under the eyes of paparazzi! I admire him!


I am so impressed with Jason. Classy, intelligent and sensible guy. 100%. Well done 60 minutes Australia


Can I just say, 60 Minutes Australia has the warmest, smartest and most engaging journalists around. Best of the best. ❤


Jason, thank you for showing a generation how to be graceful, professional and loyal.  It’s beautiful to know the Prince and Princess had you in their corner.  The character of those around them says so much about their character.


Thank you, Jason, for being polite, discrete and honourable. ( and it seems, friend) The perfect employee and ex employee!


My husband and I had that very difficult task when I was diagnosed with cancer I had adult children not young children and I still didn't say anything to them until I was going into the hospital reassure them that I've been sick they finally figured it out and they're going to take care of it and thank God they did❤


Watching from the US.  Will has been preparing for this role all of his life. He also had the role model of his mother who put her sons first. Queen Elizabeth found herself in the job as a teenager and Will has had 30 years in the firm. Catherine has the personality, the grace and the training to be the queen. They have many people around them that will help with the transition.


This gent has absolute integrity he is the epitome of professionalism how wonderful to have someone like this in your corner . Few and far between in these days to find such  An  honourable  aid . One in a million 🎉


What a lovely man and so diplomatic although I bet he would love to tell it like it is.  Well done Jason, thats why William and Catherine can count on you.


Well done Jason for being there for Prince William!!


🏆Dear Jason Knauf🏆, thank you for standing up for the protection of people
🌺Thank you 60 Minutes Australia for the Interview🥇


What a lovely man he is. Spoke so well and eloquently. A great asset to the Prince.


Imagine former Queen Elizabeth being crowned as queen in her 20s and not had the extensive training the younger royals have had. She did a spectacular job and I'm sure William will step into it with grace and dignity.


Brilliant. About time Jason spoke out.