One year ago today, My Chemical Romance pulled the greatest prank in all of history.
*deletes old comment about the band getting back together
Anyone else realize how fucking active they are for a 'dead band' I mean, we've had 2 albums from them after their break up
"We've been really touched and blown away by the response to the teaser trailer. We are not touring and there is no reunion planned - only a release for the anniversary of The Black Parade. Thanks so much for continuing to keep MCR in your minds and in your hearts." DO YOU THINK THIS IS OK. TO HYPE ME UP WITH YOUR LIES. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS. DO YOU THINK IT'S ACCEPTABLE TO PLAY WITH MY HEART LIKE THIS. TAKE YOUR DAMN MCRX BS T-SHIRT BACK I NEED MY MONEY BACK FOR A GALLON OF BLEACH
Its December 2016 and I'm still crying over this... cries again
this is worse than being rickrolled 300 times honestly
i literally went to school in grey skinny jeans, a black parade shirt, and eyeliner on purpose
Is it normal that I'm still crying to this?
when we all thought they were getting back together...
Remember when this came out and we were all freaking out and thinking it was a reunion or some shit? Lmao me too
Remember when we all thought MCR was coming back together Hahaha Hahaha HAHAHA
digs out eyeliner and jeans 3 sizes too small It's time
"We've been really touched and blown away by the response to the teaser trailer. We are not touring and there is no reunion planned- only a release for the anniversary of The Black Parade. Thanks so much for continuing to keep MCR in your minds and in your hearts."
Thank you for giving me hope that I would see you in concert after all Never again will i have my hopes up
this is the new emo rick roll
"I'm not okay I'm not okay Well, I'm not okay I'm not o-fucking-kay"
2013-MCR breaks up. 2014-No sign of a reunion. 2015-Kerrang puts them on the tour list. 2016- MCRX. 2017-God knows. 2018-Emos will be endangered. 2019-THEY BETTER GET BACK TOGETHER!!!!!!
Now I know, that I can't make you stay, BUT WHERE'S YOUR HEART?