
šŸ“ø Follow me on insta to see more of Fig!! @its.lilycameron

EDIT: Watch me get a bunny friend for Fig! Link in description

lots of you asked why I didnā€™t consider adoption: 
I did! šŸ˜Š I was open to it and looked into some shelters near me but there werenā€™t any bunnies or lops when I looked - they arenā€™t as common where I live. 
Shopping from small ethical family breeders who question each customer to make sure theyā€™re prepared to provide a good home before selling is not the problem, chain pet stores who over-breed in poor conditions are! 

(My breeder has a policy where if youā€™re considering rehoming or sheltering one of her bunnies just bring it back to her and she will take it in, so she isnā€™t contributing to shelter rabbits) 
ā¤ļøAdopt or shop responsibility ā¤ļø

Another question was why didnā€™t I get two? 
Itā€™s definitely on the cards for the future! Right now itā€™s not possible, and itā€™s not feasible for everyone to get two as some bunnies just donā€™t play well with others (fighting, territorial etc). I will definitely look into it more after getting Fig neutered ā¤ļø
If youā€™ve been watching you know this was coming!!! šŸ’• Since I work from home I wanted a companion and this little baby is now my bestie, I canā€™t wait for you to see him in my next work from home vlog šŸ„ŗ


That's one well socialized bunny! Usually the first few days they're very skittish, but he seems to be comfortable around people.


As a long time bunny owner, I'm so happy for this video because it shows how to properly welcome a bunny into your house : with weeks of preparations, research, and excitement ! So many people get a bunny on a whim and they turn depressed or die so fast because of improper care, this video was definitely resfreshing.


Hey! Bunny owner here. I can tell youā€™ll be a great bunny owner. I just wanted to give a few tips because my bunny is rather fearful and an handful so I learned a few things through the 4 years Iā€™ve had her. The main thing I would say is just keep an eye on those pee pads because With me I had to stop using em because she kept chewing them up and trying to eat them for some reason. The other big thing is try not to pick up your bunny TOO much (I made that mistake and now all the time she runs and thumps at me cuz she thinks Iā€™m gonna pick her up and I feel bad) and lastly on Amazon thereā€™s a type of pet stroller that says itā€™s for dogs but it works amazing for rabbits too! I bought it for mine a few years back and she loves it! Thatā€™s all the tips I have. I hope they were a lil helpful and  I Hope you and your bunny bond well!


It's pretty endearing to see someone who is doing everything that's right before adopting a bunny, it's not obvious and I'm assured you'll make a great bun mum! Please keep posting about him!


I had a smile on my face the whole time watching this.  I had a bunny. Gotta say. One of the coolest animals you can have as pets.  Yes they have sensitive stomachs. But they have so much character. Very fun to be around


i love women and how we get so excited over pets šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Please keep posting him! Iā€™m loving this bunny content and a lot of people usually just record themselves getting the bunnies and then theyā€™re never to be seen again. Please more fig contentšŸ™


Your son will love fresh spring mix, bananas, apples, & dandelion flower & greens!! I had my little one for years!!! Free roamed in my home. Happiest, sweetest, loving buns!!šŸ¤āœØ congrats on your new little onešŸŽ‰


We love an educated pet owner!!! Thank you so much for researching so much before getting the baby! It is the minimum, but it is not uncommon to see people online getting an exotic pet without researching first! :(


Hi! First of all, your bunny is really cute, and your setup for him looks wonderful. Iā€™m sure you are an amazing owner to him. That being said, I really do hope you will consider getting another bunny to keep fig company in the near future. They are social animals, and human interaction can never truly replace a friend of the same species for them. Much love and best of luck in your pet raising adventure!


Have you considered adoption? While breeders keep breeding, thousands of dumped pets end up in rescues. Also bunnies need a bunny friend.


you wonā€™t regret it! and youā€™ll never go back, having bunnies is the best thing everšŸ’ž


hey! bunny owner here :) i just wanted to say your doing a great job at being a bun mom so far! one thing I want to mention is if you do get another bunny in the future there are lots of animal shelters with rabbits in need of a home, and they often come spayed/neutered so you dont have to worry abt the expense as getting my bun spayed was very expensive (but worth it obviously lol). Ik you mentioned you like lop eared rabbits (which shelters often don't have) but lops tend to be the bulldogs of rabbit breeds bc they often have many more health concerns due to the state of their ears and their snouts, as the way their bred makes them cute but causes more issues with their teeth, eyes, nose and ears. also no hate! just though it was important to consider and be aware of <3


12:53 If you get the vet workers to take the bunny, then you leave the room and come back to take the pet home. That will give the pet the impression that you came to ā€˜saveā€™ them and they wonā€™t hate you


My partner and I have two adopted rabbits and they are beautiful gentle creatures full of personality. Bunnie's require a lot more care than most folks understand so glad you have done your research on caretaking. If you have the opportunity to find a partner for the rabbit, while not necessary, it is a massive quality of life improvement, and cool part is it doesn't have to be immediate, it can be down the road when you have the resources. I know from hours of research that the UK HAS THE MOST available options for bunny bonding services, so if bonding proved to be too much trouble you can seek those services. We had to use a bonding service and after two weeks they went from being very territorial in separate spaces, to best friends.


ive had 4, today they're all in heaven, i miss my little girl so much. Watching you happy with him made me remember the good times ive had with her, for a few minutes i could forget the day she left me. Thank you swetie :)


this video was so satisfying to watch :eyes-pink-heart-shape::eyes-pink-heart-shape:i love the editing and your really entertaining! i hope u post more bunny content!!


OH. MY. GOSH!! You knew exactly what to expect and do when you got your bun. I wish I was that educated and prepared before I got mine. You seriously just gave me motivation to clean out my whole room and move my bunnies cage so they have more space. I love your channel. Your so kind to that rabbit, and it's so lovely to watch. Thank you.. ā¤


As a bunny dad myself, I can tell that you're going to be a great bunny parent. Welcome to the amazing world of having a bunny!