
Lol, were you biting your toenails really got me lol


When my husband leaves I miss him, but I love that no one is bugging me about dinner, the rooms I clean stay that way, and there's no TV blaring at all hours of the day and night. Sweet, sweet peace. 😊


Lol. "What should I have for dinner? ✨️BuTtEr NoOdLeS✨️" cracked me up


If you can't go around comfy clothes in your own home why do you live with that person? 😭 Being comfy around each other is the best part


The "say hi daddy" 😂




This is very accurate, lol! I love it when he's gone for a day or two, but after that, my loneliness and paranoia skyrocket.


I expected her to be like: Okay he's gone. and then let out like the loudest earth shattering fart or burp.


“Were you biting your toenails?” 
“nAuRrrRrrRr… OrKaAaAy mAybeEe”


The "some much space" got me 😂😂


favorite part was when she spinning the dog that was hilarious❤


As a single person i can never understand my married friends who cant make it a single day wwithout thwir spouse. To me that means they never learned to be themselves.


Now I feel guilty for expecting her to cheat on him asap after he leaves, but this world broke me 😅 Glad that these still exist, hope to meet one one day.


Turning up the thermostat hit so hard 😂😂😂


Stooopppp!! This is too accurate! I member my husband left for a field opp aka a field exercise for the military and i adopted a cat!


This is adorable. I love how she said she missed her best friend.


OMG just going back through all the videos. You’re such a good creator. You’re so amazing. I love your videos so much.❤😂🎉


I bite my toenails two!!!!

Finally someone who understands me😂😂


“I just missed my best friend” BRO GOT FRIENDZONED IN A SECOND-


This just shows that women need some alone time too.  What with the job, the kids, the hubbin, where can they fit in impromptu yoga, or taking the dog for a whirl.
I'm a single guy, and I love the space.