
Time Info: 
Zodiac Weather ⛅️ 2:25
Weekly Transits 5:55
Soul Horoscope Intro 25:55
Aries ♈️ 28:48
Taurus ♉️ 31:15
Gemini ♊️ 33:30
Cancer ♋️ 36:15
Leo ♌️ 38:48
Virgo ♍️ 41:17
Libra ♎️ 44:00
Scorpio ♏️ 46:27
Sagittarius ♐️ 48:46
Capricorn ♑️ 50:50
Aquarius ♒️ 53:05
Pisces ♓️ 55:48
Wrap Up and Announcements 57:55

Adapted and completed summary with time info from all comments 🌐☯️


Wow the quality of the production really has taken off, great work y’all! It’s so crisp I can’t believe my eyes!


JUST yesterday I began reading the book "Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants To Be" - sounds RIGHT ON TIME! SUCH a great book - would highly recommend for anyone looking to reprogram their ego and attune it to the heart.


It has been a humm-dinger .............. just feeling that " flight ."   We love you Christopher <3. You are a Gift !!!!!!


Leo 38:48 with asc. Aqua 53:05
Thank you Chris ❤


Exactly. I understood all this the most when I read Black Gītā. Everything shifted.


55:48 Pisces ♓️


Thank u Christopher you are incredible !:virtualhug:


Hi Sensei ^been watching since 2009! Keep you in my heart and sending positive vibes your way. With love - Kristen


greatly appreciate the blueprint for the week, I tend to Virgo over-think and a heads-up on the potholes really helps me to understand my processes.  Would love to do another reading with you when you begin again.  Blessings and Good Health.


Love the new format, Chris. Thank you ❤🙏 ❤


41:17 Virgo ♍️


3 times this week a lost water. I Lost a really nice water bottle from an old job, I dropped a water bottle it broke and spilled, I opened one and absentmindedly put it my briefcase. I'm far from clumsy or forgetful. Sensei using the word drowning during the opening really caught my attention. ♈♉♉


Right on and thank you!


Thank you




Having my Saturn opposition at this time. Leo rising, Saturn 2nd house Virgo. Feeling the heavy.


My north node is at 21 degrees in 8th house cancer. The Venus cazimi is on my birthday and then Neptune is conjunct my sun at 2 degrees Aries 4th house. Prayers


Born with a 29 degree Libra rising…feel like 29 is a curse sometimes. Caught between a Libra and Scorpio