
I believe Avril was the first crush of an entire generation (those born around 1990)... Still in love with her tho


Fun fact: this video is actually produced and sponsored by Avril herself, not by her label, that’s why it’s unreleased


She played guitar, wrote her own music, and was a badass. I love her even in 2020.


I was born in 1992, and gre up listening to Avril. Still listen to her CD's in 2024. I absolutely love her. ❤️


Remember when every girl wanted to look like her? Well I was one of that girls, I'm not even American or Canadian, I'm Moroccan and I used to dress like her and listen to her music and imagine it's me singing! Girls in my class never knew about her, so I was this unique girl with her own style not like the rest of girls! What a beautiful days! Now I'm at my twenties, grown up woman but yet still have that gothic style in me, I would give everything to go back in time. 
Avril, thank you for existing.


Mad respect to anyone still listening to this masterpiece. Old Avril will always be the best


Damn I miss the early 2000s


I took this era for granted. It blew by so fast and now I miss it... I was happier then wish I could go back.


this video is the definition of early 00s.


Avril taught us that everything’s changing 🧡


Everyone says that under my skin is Avril's best album. In my opinion, Let Go is her masterpiece. Avril was already mature at 17. This song is the demonstration of what I say. Let Go was a perfect mix of Rock and Pop, serious and lighter songs, but never banal.


mi mom looked like avril when shes in highschool, i also remember tis song playing when i was a lil kid. Dem, its good to be born on 2002 knowing it was the start of avril’s golden year.


Damn man..this was the year when life was full of possibilities


I love you Avril in 2002


Aww, she was so young. I miss this Avril.


I love old school Avril Lavigne she got me through highschool


The old Avril songs from her first 2 albums, have a certain rebellious energy to it, edgy, a hard grunge yet soften with her voice... This is the Avril that I will always love.


This is quickly becoming one of my favorite Avril songs. Underrated.


I hope her team will officially release this for the 20th anniversary of the album.


This is a must see video for anyone who keeps believing she was replaced with someone else