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IP: play.flamefrags.com
Port: 19132


This.. Is FlameFrags.


I cant even lie its mad impressive to watch you handle both me and derap at the same time so effortlessly 😭😭😭😭😭 gg bro love you!


you guys will never understand how hard it is to be a Jepex 😒


the fake trap clip is actually genius


this... is flamefrags


"I am the flame, that refuses to be extinguished" goes hard for a block game.


"I Infiltrated Lifesteal's Deadliest Empire"❌
"I Bullied Dearapchu And Prince Zam For 42 minutes and 48seconds"βœ…


you can build with me 😊
I dont wanna build with you 😑
Kindergarten ahh argument


6:59 "Go into jumpers hole and mine some " 😭😭😭😭is crazy


12:20 "clearly the fact that he didn't tell me yet clearly meant he didn't trust me yet"

wise, wise words mr flame


Craziest transition bro ever made 37:16


42 minutes of flame bullying zam lolπŸ˜‚

Love the vid


Crazy how rek was underground listening to everything


"I am the flame that refuses to be extinguished." ----- FlameFrags, 2025


Immortal Diamond


Out of everything today a flamefraggs video is not what I was expecting


39:00 bro got the backstory power up


39:39 the warden here did the most disrespectful kill of all time and flame also become a rapper


42:37 "What's there to smile about? Job's not finished."