
07:15 Syllabus oriented
11:10 booklist
11:39 Romila Thapar
12:12 AL Basham
12:31 Upinder Singh
13:11 Satish Chandra
13:38 Tapan Raychaudhuri
14:03 P2P
14:22 Spectrum
14:43 Bipan Chandra
14:53 Sumit Sirkar
15:50 World Hist
16:01 L Mukherjee
16:10 Net
17:01 NCERT
17:29 Maps
21:05 Ans writing
25:29 Paper Management
27:32 Notes Making


Thank u so much sir...u explained very well......U think this is the best lecture abt  History optional.....u focused on very minute details.....thnks lot sir..and also GS score


Thank U Bhavesh Sir..i am also from marathwada region...kindly upload more videos on your youtube channel for history optional


Thank you so much sir. ..u gave very detailed information....


I request GS Score to kindly make Piyush Sir History optional Strategies video available which are currently made Private. His guidance is outstanding and helpful for many students pursuing History as an Optional in Civil Services Examination.


Awesome sir...very well explained Abt History answer writing.thnku so much...this was so Frank speech..


Bhavesh Sharma's new Initiative' FB page:- @upschistory - भारतम् महाभारतम् for UPSC C.S.E. aspirants.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/logtotechi


Bade भैया को धन्यवाद


thanku..so much..ias  score...
sir plz more video on history optional... becoz very much analytical optional comparatively others so..how we tackle that???...


Thankyou bhaiya😉


please make a video of history optional by Rahul Bhatt AIR 60 CSE 2017.


one of the best..


I am also from aurangabad . And optional is also history


Ty for guide


Shishir gemawat ki bhi history optional strategy


Thank you sir


Sir I support your speech .


Sir can u plz upload a copy of ur history answer writing..


Thanks for telling