
The best gaming channel in my opinion marc!!!!!!


international event dates go into early June (Seoul from May 31 to June 1).  so release has to be after that.


I can finally play botw this year . See if it's really better than witcher 3. Basically a 10 year debate.


Another handheld to the collection incoming!!!


I hope it plays metal gear solid five smoothly


Let's gooooooooooo soooo excited


looks bloody awesome im excited for it


That Mario kart game looks like Mario kart 8 hopefully the physics are better like dust particles and smoke from tires Nintendo needs to catch up


I think is coming out in june close to my birthday and i also think is going to be 399 usd


Seems like they could easily build a peripheral that you put joycons in that would feel more like a mouse 🐁 🪤
I don't think mario looked bad but didn't look any better then mario 8 when it was on wii u


CNET already confirms it is Mario Kart 9.


I hope it’s oled screen..


Love the oled switch, i have had all veesion and i am excited off switch 2😃


Marc... You are a loyal Nintendo gamer. I want Double Dragon Revive on Switch 2. I bet it will be on it as well as WWE2K25 , EA FC 26 in 60fps and better graphics than the current Switch. Virtua Fighter 6 and new 3D Mario open world game.


somethings changed from the 3d  model


Nintendo W 🌟


Very good model


Sucks we already knew everything we’d see because it made the reveal so unexciting. 😭


witcher 3 remaster for Nintendo 2 with improve graphics😊


i like the black console if its white with time it goes yellow like my ps4 pro was getting yelowish and i dont like the switch i feel the console should have more power like those asus handheld gaming consoles that are actually a gaming pc oh well at least i would rather buy this switch 2 then a ps5 pro 🤮