
This is what I imagine hell to look like.


I was having a bad mood  but now after watching this I'm so glad that I was not born there


They did donuts with tanks.... We are dead!


Everyone gangssta till you hear Russian airplanes


their hearts are made of stone smh. that's not Islam


1:07 the cigarette guy was savage .


Sad .   Still  stuck in  the dark ages .


This feels like so long ago. Remember when this was our biggest worry?


This made me cry, imagining if it was people I know and love under this regime..


I feel like burning cigarettes is counter productive..


0:48, they just broke the laws of physics!


Can't imagine what they do to people who say "no" to them


3:09 - 3:15 is quite surreal, like some kind of alternate universe where the middle ages never ended but people still somehow managed to develop modern technologies. 


Prayers for Peace ✌🏻❤️❤️❤️ 

from India 🇮🇳


those black flags and buildings look like good targets


This peaceful religion is more dangerous to the world .


Hell on earth !


5:27 my heart is destroyed.. :'(


As a ethnic syrian, it's hurts me 
Thank goodness my grandparents moved to india


I was 5 when the civil war started, I'm from the coastal area , where no battles happened.
I didn't really see the war and my parents always tried to protect me from seeing the terrifying stuff that were happening up north since I was so young,
Things are much better now and I'm 17 years old but looking back at what my people went through, I realised how lucky I am that my city wasn't a war zone and isis never came to it, I wish all the best to my people