TARS is one of the best designed robots in Sci-fi in decades (except for Photon of course). Designed for function over looks, he was like a swiss army knife of robots. I remember being unimpressed at first because he was flat and moved like a gorilla. But it was on the water planet CASE really showed off the brilliance of the design. Matt Damon still has to answer for depriving us of KIPP.
The voice of TARS is just perfect. Authoritative, listenable and subjectively pleasing. Th finest "human" voice given to a robot.
TARS is an extrovert CASE is an introvert
Case “Tars talks plenty for both of us” ahhh I love case!
Interstellar is my all time favorite movie. No other movie has moved me as much Interstellar.
I'm pretty sure the docking scene was to establish how it works so when Matt Damon did it we could see what went wrong
TNG cutaway after the data reference was priceless!
we need a TARS spinoff! 😭😭😭
I like how although CASE is very reserved and doesn't talk much more than necessary, that he still was portrayed with a sense of humor, despite what few lines he had.
Hey guys, awesome video as always! And thank you for reminding me how awesome the robots from Interstellar are! I totally forgot how amazing they were!
Thanks for the vid, guys. Good job, as usual!
All the vets I know have a very grave sense of humor. Seems to be a common tactic of the brain when in constant stress (like battle) to cope better. So it makes sense for Tars, being a military robot, to have a similar sense of humor.
Wow! I thought I was the only one who enjoyed Interstellar for the robots. Love you're videos guys, keep the great work. Also what are photon's settings.
The drawn out docking scene was anything but pointless. It was the second most important scene in the movie. It burned into our minds how complex and delicate the process is. Without that, the spinning docking scene, the absolute highlight of the movie, would have been nothing. It was also obviously homage to 2001
Just found your channel. Love it!
I thought this was a robot review not a movie review -_-
Hey! Nice video and intro! Do you plan to do more classic robot, like Robby or even Box from Logan's Run (there is maybe not a lot to say about him)? Love this series!
TARS was built for Marines so it makes sense that he has a dark sense of humour that's default setting is 100%. 100% wouldn't mean everything he says is a joke just that his humour setting is at max.