Left mine in the fridge with vinegar, soy souce, and garlic for 2 weeks. It's already soft and broken down. The taste? Heavenly! ❤❤❤
Pretty much IS cured... could maybe soak it for a night or 2 to get a good bit of the salt out. Probably make a decent stir fry, and it would season the veggies on its own, if you did it right!
In the Philippines we usually to this if we make bbq. First buy a meat then for the marinade we put Soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic and a little bit of lime/lemon (Calamansi)
"wow Guga talks really softly I can barely hear him without my headphones on, let's crank the volume hi-" "WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO"
Is it me or why did i feel like he was gonna say "I just saved myself $150 bucks!" 😂
Gugas weight-loss transformation can be seen in these shorts. Big ups Guga!
Thank you for being straight up about the flavour and not just saying that everything tastes good for views. Your honesty is the reason I love your videos.
I've been doing soy sauce marinades for years. Had some garlic butter and chili of some sort, and you won in life.
Whispers “I wanted to know what it tasted like” is diabolical work 😂😂
❤ Have you tried soaking the steak in lots real butter and a pinch of Celtic sea salt. Also add a clove of fresh garlic, slice of onion, bake the butter to almost a boil. Fully soak it and store in fridge. Added bonus, add an ear of corn and let it soak as well. ...or an oz of jack daniels.
The careful whispers at the beginning, then towards the end ‘WOOO DAS POWERFUL BOIII 🗣️’
That yell just woke the whole house up thx...
His voice is so succulent “I went ahead and put it on the griiilll” oh ya 😊
I’d use Worcestershire sauce. It’s like vinegar. It should tenderize the steak.
I love Guga voice and energy. I can't enough of him
LoL this was interesting to me as I was a histopathologist in a former life. You basically preserved the meat chemically. The salts and acids in the solution bind to the meat. The acid breaks down the muscle then the salt "preserves" it. Like salted smoked fish. Neat food chemistry example...
Lol, I looked at the thumbnail and was like "damn, youtube is still recommending these hoof repair videos to me?" XD
Guga DOES come up with some of the silliest experiments imaginable
I soak my steaks in it for about 10 to 15 minutes before I grill them. That keeps a lot of the moisture in and lets you get a slight caramelized crust. If it tastes salty you have soaked it too long