Welcome to the Lifesteal SMP where whenever you kill someone you get a heart permanently and if you lose all your hearts you get banned!
I really REALLY wish they put u in lifesteal. It would be the coolest thing ever Edit: this cool never had 14 likes before
Really love your videos and your story telling it's amazing!
valid bro Janke your the only reason i started with youtube + ramze but thank you now i have 56 subs thank you
Amazing work brother.
”It begins during the very first seasons” -ItsJanke
I love how Janke loves lifesteal and the people in lifesteal hate him lol zam made a video about why janke wants to be him
the thing that not a lot of people know is that parrot did think of the idea even though mapicc and jepex were the owners of the server
also all the lifesteal members want to make content so they take risks and make it more fun instead of just trying to only win cos they know even if they lose they can make content out of that to
Amazing vid! Really enjoyed it.♥
Janke should really the lifesteal s version of hermit craft recap
Janke can walk through my hood without being touched
i watched lifesteal and s2 it was kinda ok but i just find most of them broring i want vids with personality and stuff like that the dream smp and smp live and stuff like that had that and i just see lifesteal lacking that i used to make lifesteal copys and now im doing some stuff that is just more fun and has personality. tbh lifesteal was smart they new how to break the algorethem
So good vid
"Almost everyone has 100k" And then there's DonTurnt.
Season two was always my favourite