
Probably one of the meanest sounding engines ever. I’m a huge V8 guy, but a Viper’s big-ass pushrod V10 sounds about as mean as a big-ass V8


End of month bill:

Food: $ 600
Cleaning stuff: $400
Gasoline: $7000


God i wish dodge would do this again


To feel the real atmosphere and pure sound, I always listen to you videos with my headphones... Thanks for these videos :)


As much as I love V8s, Dodge definitely created the best sounding V10 engine. It sounds just about as mean as a big-block motor.


You never want to have to rebuild a gen 3 Viper motor. My 05 SRT-10 had 54,000 miles on it and for no apparent reason just spun 2 bearings. Apparently gen 3s have crank oiling engineering shortcomings. Luckily, after grinding/polishing those 2 journals, we barely had enough material to be able to use oversized bearings so we could save the crank. The cost of a new crank from dealer is $7,700 and it was UNAVAILABLE nationally at the time! And you can FORGET about trying to locate a good used crank without buying an entire salvaged motor. You can buy an entire used, decently low-mileage gen 3 motor for about $8-$10k but then you’ve gotta buy the right motor depending on if you have knock sensors (beginning in 05) or not. You can either choose to swap in that unknown motor as-is, or you can rob it of its crank and rebuild a motor using the best parts of the two engines (I had a shop performing the removal/install for a cost of around $3-$4k). If you choose a fresh motor, by the time you’ve bought replacement parts and addressed the crank oiling deficiencies (yes, you can make sure it never happens again), you’re looking at a drive out cost of somewhere between $18-$20k. I bought the truck at 52k miles for just $21k before TT&L. Unfortunately I had spent a lot of time and $10k in ads personalizing the truck since I bought it, so I had $31k in it and without a good motor, it would now be worth $10-$12k if I was lucky. I didn’t wanna by an unknown motor for $10k and another $3,500 in labor to just have it happen again one day after investing $13,500 (spun bearings are very common on gen 3s, I was alarmed to just find out), I decided it was smarter to spend an extra $6,500 to have a totally fresh motor with forged pistons, beefier rods, improved crank oiling provisions, mild chamber blending, an aftermarket cam and a personalized dyno tune session. With all my bolt ons, it managed to make 550 hp at the wheels (only gets 7 mpg’s now but that’s another story). That’s an estimated 600 or so crank HP, up from the factory 500 HP. It probably picked up a good 40–50 hp from the  build alone and now I wouldn’t hesitate to install some gen 4 heads and feel great about it on a fresh motor, but at the surprise of having to endure a $20k surprise rebuild, I chose not to have them do a full port job and a resizing of the valves, which would’ve netted me a dyno pull of around an all-motor 725 HP that would’ve cost me another $8k. My message to all you gen 3 motor owners out there: use the white Viper oil filters ALWAYS, run the required Mobile One 15W-50 without fail and do your oil changes RELIGIOUSLY by mileage or by season, whichever comes first. I’ve heard of essentially brand new gen 3 motors with just 1,500 miles on an oil change, but unchanged since the previous year (6 months old oil), and the owner gooses it a little for a friend in the passenger seat, and that alone was enough to spin a bearing and potentially ruin a crank! These motors in stock form are far more sensitive than you think and they’re more sensitive than they should be. They were a warranty nightmare for Dodge. Now I’ve got $51k in a 15 year old truck that’s got 56k miles and I’ll never be able to sell it! Good thing it’s fast as hell and it’s outfitted exactly like I want it! Beware, friends! Do yourselves a favor and inspect your bearings frequently, because a little extra attention on your part could easily save you the cost of a $7,700 crank and then some.


Thatis a bad ASS truck nice burnouts have fun BESAFE MY FRIEND. Thank you for sharing your Video..


this is a big beast


Dodge ram SRT 10 are my dream CAR


Yeah laying that rubber DOWN BOY 😂😂


Man That thing is just my favourite Pickup truck, and it has 500 horse power which is crazy and it has a lot of hp than the Raptor this thing is a Beast


This looks exactly like our older turbo viper truck. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


If only dodge still made a V10


Beast unleashed


ima big dodge guy and i loved the ford lightning but shit we never ever gonna see something this cool ever again come out of the factories


I am a Ford guy 100%, but I wouldn’t mind owning this Dodge or a c7 corvette.


Picking one up tomorrow. 2005 commemorative edition, white with blue racing stripes.


Imagine this very truck in FH5 🙀 soul leaving body intensifies


I love this truck

