3:32 - For the full/empty alternation, it is impossible, because if three of the cups are full and three are empty, then no matter how you DO it you must END UP with three full cups of fluid. But you've got only 1.5 cupfulls of fluid to start with (three cups about half-full each, three empty). What I would do is spit out the earlier blue drink and hope it amounts to 1.5 more cupfulls.
14:33 - No, it's not the weight of the fingers. It's the weight of the water that is pushed aside/up by the VOLUME of your fingers that you are putting into the water.
The perfect circle drawing can also be done by using one knuckles of your finger as the center point, acting as a compass. Also, the last challenge, 3x3 dots can also be connected by letter Z horizontal dash in the middle or N with a vertical dash in between. Still, thanks for this video. It is quite filled with knowledge and practical applications. Blessed be~
My dude is crushinggggg
APT ?!?!? MY FAV❤❤❤
Timestamps 00:00 Intro 00:09 01 Puzzle 00:32 Rules 00:46 01 Puzzle Continues 01:03 02 Puzzle 02:18 03 Puzzle 03:18 04 Puzzle 03:48 05 Puzzle 04:52 06 Puzzle 05:10 AD-Opera 07:12 07 Puzzle 08:22 08 Puzzle 09:37 09 Puzzle 10:59 10 Puzzle 11:45 11 Puzzle 13:02 12 Challange 14:00 13 Puzzle 14:23 14 Puzzle 15:55 15 Puzzle 16:47 16 Puzzle 17:45 17 Puzzle 18:35 18 Puzzle 20:04 19 Puzzle 21:16 20 Puzzle 22:36 21 Puzzle Amy's Laughs Timestamps 00:24 00:45 01:14 01:31 02:59 03:07 03:38 03:41 03:56 04:23 05:00 05:02 05:55 06:02 06:21 07:08 07:41 08:19 08:46 09:02 09:05 09:10 09:35 09:54 10:05 10:24 11:29 11:43 12:03 13:36 13:58 14:24 14:40 15:03 15:22 15:30 15:48 16:19 16:27 16:46 17:08 17:21 17:30 18:05 18:22 20:41 22:32 23:53 24:13
20:53 Thanks to Vsauce for teaching me in a short how to do that 😅😎
20:06 Vsauce skills coming in handy
Is bro crushing on Amy???
The last one is super easy. Make a plus sign and then a cross sign
11.1M subscribers when you uploaded this is crazy, good job!
भाई आप की ये पहले वाली आवाज नहीं रही ,पहले वाली ही ठीक थी वो डबिंग।
Her: struggling with poking the skewer through the balloon. Me: poke it through the excess rubber from the knot.
Looks this really challenging
i would just eat the salt because i like salt
Bro learn to solve Rubik s cube blinfolded plss❤
I’m talking about the ballon one btw
With the 7th one i would just drag it to the edge and pull it out quickly
in the last challenge, you had to make a cross and then you have a plus sign. after that you have to connect the 4 dots paralelly.even your genius doesn't know that!!!