Those rabbits are living the life. No danger,no form of harm,just living their lives and it's adorable how gentle they are when feeding from your hand.
I adore every implication of these rabbits’ behavior. When they lie on their side or back like that one under the bench, it means they feel happy and secure. Seeing wild rabbits being so calm, even seeing them run and jump and binky, I adore it.
So Japan has a cat island and a rabbit island. So jealous! Good thing it's not the same island 😆
4:52 “refrain from feeding or interacting with the rabbits” as bro is hosting a rabbit dinner party 😂
Thirty years ago my sister and I had a black rabbit that was someone's pet. He got loose in the apartment building where we lived. We managed to catch him with a piece of lettuce. We never did find his owner. We named him Koko and discovered he was already litter box trained. We also had a cat and they both became good buddies. We had Koko for two years. My sister and I went to work and came home and found Koko dead. Mammacat (her name because she had kittens years ago) missed him. She would go looking for him, then finally realized he was gone. We think.he had a heart attack. These rabbits remind me of Koko. He and Mammacat would come running when we called them for dinner. They both would climb in our laps, wanting scratches and cuddles. Mamacat died years later. We miss both of them. 😥
I'd cry of happiness if I could go there
that white rabbit wasn't just a white rabbit, that was an albino rabbit. bro found a shiny rabbit.
Gotta love how chill the rabbits are and how relaxed they look while nomming veggies
4:16 L O N G bunny😂
I love this, you can tell they actually treat the rabbits well as they are lying down and are very trusting in everyone witch is big because they are prey animals and very shy ❤
Soo easter island is real after all!!
8:57 lol "Hey, human = food. Wait? No snack? Disgusting! Go away!"
18:03 片足だけ白い靴下はいてる黒い子可愛い😍 こんなの天国じゃないですか! 宿泊施設もしっかりしてて、ご飯も美味しそう!これは一生に1回は絶対行きたいですね。
Rabbit Island. What an amazing place. Thank you, Japan, for this!
I think doom guy would love to visit this place
BEST VIDEO EVER!!! The baby bunny at 16;28 is so cute and confident amongst the big ones. It is such good positive energy to pet a bunny. When I have my bunnies out running around in my yard, the neighbors love to come and pet them. Fun for all.
Danke für entspanende Atmosphäre für vidio über Kaninchen Insel.Jch schau dich aus Deuschland , liebe Grüße nach Japan.🏝️🌊🐇
Blessed be those who take good care of them. I hope they also get vet assistance! Thanks for sharing.