Let people know that you are a true Christ follower - and then act like it. Love this Cross Examination ministry! 👍🙂✝
I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time, people will use that mindset as an excuse for not sharing the gospel. We should absolutely proclaim the good news as often as possible, but we also don't have to be discouraged if the conversation doesn't quite get there.
I like how Dr Frank explains, using examples when painting a picture or elaborating to someone.
Greg's book and his followup book are great reads. Highly recommended.
That was great and exactly what I needed. Thanks a lot ❤️ God is good
That reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine when I was an undergrad in Physics. He was an atheist and he knew I was a Christian and we were studying together. When we took a break, he asked how could I as a Christian study Physics. In that moment the Spirit gave me the words that I needed. I looked at him and said, "Have you reworked all of theory in this book from scratch? Have you done all of the experiments yourself to verify the results? Or have you read a book and decided to believe what it says? This blew his mind. Before we parted ways at graduation I was able to share God's plan of the ages with him. I just hope and pray someone came along in his life to lead him to the Cross.
Good tips Dr. Turek.
Great advice!!!!
Plant the seeds. Water the seeds and let the Spirit do the rest. Love them into the Kingdom.
Thank you CrossExamined 👍
Excellent answer. Also love that he usually backs it up with scripture. These aren't just intellectual debate tactics, they're literally from the word of God.
As an atheist, let me leave you with this tip as well: don't just quote the Bible on them unprompted, ask if they wanna hear what it says on a topic. Just quoting ain't gonna do much, and probably just nudges them in the opposite direction.
Love the baseball analogy! Thanks, Frank and Jim! ⚾️ ⚾️ ⚾️
Yes, it is sharing the gospel with people. If they accept then great, if they reject then good. Pray and try again later.
Love this! 💙✝️
Evangelism is harder than you think. It is not just sharing the gospel, then walking away,satisfied you done a great job and thinking Lord Jesus will say well done good and faithful servant . Are you prepared to cast out demons out of someone, to take someone temporarily into your home or to provide them with some financial means till they can support themselves because if they accept Jesus some of their families will kick them out, are you prepared to fast and pray with those who have certain difficulties??? Are you prepared to do a follow up ? If not, then go and look deeper into your relationship with God.
Just not backing down when attacked says a lot.
Need to have people in the world first and not everyone has people or can go to them. Some just try to survive.
Trying to convince them to read the Word of God is also very helpful