
this one of my fav covers from you back in the day im so glad your recreating your old covers on this new awesome kit pls keep recreating old covers!!


I remember the first time this cover came out absolutely the to see it again!!! Huge fan


Dude, that old cover of yours is one the huge thing that inspired me to play drums. Drummer of a band now and ironically enough just today watched that old video of yours again and now you're uploading this, damn🤘🏻


Brings back memories


Damn it's crazy how the time passes. I remember watching you when I was on 3rd grade of elementary school. Now I'm on my 1st year of university. 
I'm really happy for you that you are still doing what you most like. Keep doing it ❤


Your first cover of the song still is the best cover I've ever heard. This one is a bit to much but I'm digging a lot that new fill at 2:36 ! Will you sell one day your cover transcription ?  I'd be crazy discovering what your old tom fills were ^^


The toms sound amazing


I love the new upgrade😀 your kit sounds awesome😀 great cover


That drums sounds 🤯


yoooo i remember watching ur old cover and i was so astonished by ur fills


This OG Drummer Youtuber <3 im glad i watch you again <3


I love how the kick sounds omg


Casey, you are such an amazing drummer/entertainer, and that makes you sooo much fun to watch. Thank you so much for posting on your channel


This is such a throwback


this brings back some memories man! thanks for the nostalgia <3


What a throwback


Sounded great! Love the fills!


The drum set up looks good! 🔥


dude, that’s awesome:)


Great cover!!!