
Rubbish !!
Salt doesn't dissolve when you put it in food.
When you go to McDonalds and they put salt on your fries you can absolutely see the salt while you eat the entire pack.
it doesn't dissolve it just attaches itself to the chip

even if you put salt into Sauce , it still doesn't dissolve.
You have to stir and add heat if you want it to dissolve

and he went from a metaphor to a literal.

this is what christians do.  they make up stuff that just isn't true

Go to the kitchen 
Get some salt right now
get a slice of bread
put salt in


St. Jude Thaddeus figured this one out he was like the forgotten apostle he was so invisible.


Take a close look at Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Last Supper, and you'll see that Judas Iscariot knocked the salt onto the table with his elbow. (people began associating salt with lies and disloyalty.) Throwing salt over the left shoulder blinds the devil, who was waiting there to force you into acts of bad behavior as well. 

Never Mess With Salt & Christian Superstitions and never again miss your chance to throw salt at your yetzer hara (Even the Jews believe Satan Hangs out on your left brain/shoulder they call it a Evil inclination or Yetzer Hara)