i remember watching this when i was a kid memories😊
Thank you for uploading. Very impressive👍
If My grandfather would have silat he should have being a master
Keep in mind, the style shown here is seni gayong which includes so called "inner strength" techniques and even acrobatics as shown in the video. Other styles of silat don't include stuff like that, we certainly don't jump through flaming rings (wtf Oo) and do not hit sand with our fist. Our moves are way more straight forward but I have to say, some that are shown here are legit like that cringe python move, although we (in my silat class) just call it "hit him in the ribs" ;)
Can you please upload Fight Quest?
Fico muito grato por vocês resgatarem esse material Oss
Excuse me, but could you add Japanese subtitles ?
kok silat dari malaysia?
Silat from indonesia not malaysia