
When you have a good man you complete eachother ❤ beautiful to see


I hope your husband appreciates you for the care and love you show when you prepare his meals. I hope he treats you like an Angel that you are ❤❤


I will be cooking food for my husband everyday too when I get married.


That hat, so elegant and super cute, love it!!! ❤


This is so beautiful to see.

I come from a traditional home and I found it weird being on social media and women not cooking for their spouses (no hate, it just took time to realize there was a different world out there).

I cook for my husband and i love doing it. The way he treats me makes me want to take the moon out of the sky for him. ❤


It's the kofia for me❤😂


Plz show me the process you use to make chapati


Wow this looks yummy 😋 😋 😋


I love how skillful you are with your chapati. I watched the video so many time so that I can cook my roti like you. 🏆


Such a beautiful Soul wife.


I just love watching you cook🤗 , tay blessed ❤


That hat is so cute ❤


Cooking for husband great wife❤


I love your cooking ❤❤❤


So good 👍❤


Vous etes un vrais chef ❤❤ bravos! J'espère que votre mari le mérite.


Mouth watering as always. Wapi mboga Sue? Cooking skills is 💯🔥🔥🔥


Soo yummy 😋


Congrats to your mom she absolutely raised you  well 🎉 I can see through your neatness ❤


Your crotchet hat looks lovely