you’re growing so quick!! you’re rlly underrated 🫶🫶
The sound of your keybord so relaxing I love it New sub <3
underrated :((( i discovered myself loving these clicky asmrs, tysm!
the asmr is so good. i love ur evade asmr the most.
You made a chaotic game like evade to become relaxing, I feel like I can even sleep with it lol. Anyways I really love when you juking the bots, it's really intense...!! You've been busy lately so don't force yourself much into making videos, you may get burn out TvT. your channel will soon reach to 1k, I have faith in that. #RoadTo1K!!
I can't believe I forgot to subscribe. I been recently playing evade and this was so cool to watch.
W vide as always btw I have no video suggestions rn but I should play combat warriors or some pvp games !!❤
Me too that has ever happened to me, like, when you get downed and you fall in the water and then someone comes to revive you, when they finish, you start like drowning even if you're not in the water.... It has ever happened to me once.
I saw her channel Yesterday and im loving it 😍
You are so good at evade
I love your little emojis that you put when you’re typing “how do you makw those?”
omg since I’ve seen one of your evade Asmr I became obsessed of your videos!❤ New subscriber🍻
Ur vids are so good but why are you so underrated 😭 btw I’m a new sub <3❤
hiii! your keyboard sounds are amazing! <3
*sniff sniff * i smell GOOD ASMR!!!♡
cute and calm, i js love ur videos!! 🤍🤧 hope u'll get up and up!
this is amazing omg your so underrated
soo cool!!!!! i love ur videos!!!!<33 but can ya do a handcam evade video?? cuz ur skills are INSANE!!!
Tbh best part of the video My cat just sneezed 😂😂 Anyways im a new sub