
I really appreciate the emphasis on not buying over buying, honestly. I've been happier since reading about a designer's ethos and history before I buy something expensive, sitting on things a week or two to see what else turns up, etc.


I've been watching you for years and you're just getting better and better.


"If i could only have one is this the only X i could ever own, would it be this one" THANK YOU i needed that :)


I didn’t know that about “genuine leather”! Such sneaky wording 😐 and omg the Asian nose bridge struggle is so real. It’s so hard to find glasses for Asian noses in the west. They either fall right off or the bottom of the frame digs into my face 😭


Really like how you elaborate on each point, and some of these tips are not the usual ones I hear from other creators❤


Thank you for mentioning that about genuine leather! So many people don't know, and it can deteriorate very quickly. I'm the same with going for small structured bags. When I first started buying nicer bags, I bought large structured bags. Now I know they aren't very comfortable to use. It can feel like lugging around a brick! 😄


I bought a classic bag that I like very much on :yt: condup :yt: . It matches most of my clothes very well and has many good reviews, so I bought it with a skeptical attitude, and the result did not disappoint me.


You look really good in princess neckline ❤️


All good tips!! Another way that I curb impulsive spending on trendy items is to first thrift a similar item or find it at a clothing swap. It lets me try the trend in a cheaper and more sustainable way. As a fellow petite, I also care a lot about adjustable straps on handbags. I absolutely love my mini APC Grace bag for that reason. The strap is adjustable and it has a clever design so you don't see excess strap hanging off the sides <3


I always enjoy hearing what you have to say about jewelry. Your jewelry and accessorizing specific videos got me into thinking about what I want in my own collection


I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the :yt: kislux :yt:  leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.


I  love your question about if the accessories push you towards your style words. Very useful!


I really like how you review items for a woman’s closet❤ Most of my fashion choices are inspired by your insights. Looking forward for more. TYSM


Thanks to your videos and tips & tricks I have found 10-11 “uniforms” that really work well for me and will continue to work for the next  few months or rest of the year. And I’m going to use that time to declutter my wardrobe, home and life. Truly, clutter inhibits growth and creativity and I’m excited to declutter my life in general.

Also, as a perfume enthusiast I Loved seeing the orpheon bottle at the end! Can you do a perfume video of what you gravitate towards and how you choose/select them for your lifestyle and daily environment??


I noticed exactly what you said with the Sezane suede bag! Too overpriced for the quality. I got another leather suede bag from Mango. It seems good, but even if its not the highest quality leather - I know it was only $50 😊 Good point you made about the wording too


Gosh Helen you always get right to the essence of style. It's so individual and it needs thought and patience. I do appreciate all your thought processes that you talked about. I can sincerely say I love all of the things in my wardrobe, it has become a capsule of me 😂. I look forward to putting together an outfit. You continue to help me in so many ways. Colour combinations for example. We are both knitwear lovers 😁 Thanks Helen ❤


That star-studded sling bag is bomb 💕✨ I’d just worry that it would damage/catch onto my clothing, esp. knits. But totally something I’d love to wear, it’s so playful!! Best fit for your black dress to look very whimsical ^^


Great video!! I am also trying to be extremely picky after getting into style ruts where I just don’t like anything in the closet.
Ok but my heart leapt when you showed that little chartreuse velvet bag!  😂


Large structured bags made from synthetic materials can be light weight and practical and feel great. I love the large bags by Lacoste.


you’re literally my comfort person i love you :yt: kislux :yt:!