This is the fastest english version song we ever have!
This seems like an anime opening for a show thats about a future olympian training to compete.
I discovered this song just today on the radio. The music really caught my attention, so I used Shazam and decided to take a look later (since the music wasn't completely audible in the car because I was chatting with my father). And boy, I surely don't regret it in the slightest. The lyrics, the animation, the message, everything about it was amazing. Thanks for creating an English version so I could understand it. This makes me want to not give up on doing exercise. Keep up the amazing job!
0:43「I could endure all, I could endure all」と日本語ver「翌る日も翌る日も」の韻合わせてて、震えた。Ayaseすげえわ。
「あくる日もあくる日も」を「i could endure all, i could endure all」で訳すのがYOASOBIクオリティ
This is the new trend.. Good japanese songs with english version of the same artist!
This will be on repeat during my marathon races. let’s get that PR baby.
英語版もめっちゃいい! この曲めっちゃテンポ早いのに、一つ一つの単語の発音を適当にせず、ちゃんとしてくださってるから、日本人でも聞き取りやすいです!翻訳者さんもお疲れさまでした!
I was about to cry listening to this song with the amazing melody and lyrics, both the japanese and English version are so poetic and lyrical. Just shared it with one of my middle school classmate who competed in the Olympics in men's 100m. I'm sure he will relate so much.
曲のリリースの速さには驚かされる! イクラ様は本当によく頑張ったと言いたいです😭(台湾のファン)
英語バージョンでも変わらず綺麗な歌声…! 素敵な英語バージョンをありがとうございます!
海外のファンのためにも英語バージョンを出してくれるの流石です…!!✨ いつも元気で平和なのもYOASOBIの魅力だと思う😆
I really love how clear YOASOBI does their own songs english covers. Beautiful, correct and with the same vibe. Bravo 👏👏👏💓
すべての人の夢の力になる曲ですね、叶う人も入ればその途中にいる人も居る すべての人に幸あられ!