Eggman is probably the smartest and dumbest character in the series.
When Eggman has his respectful send-off to Sonic, if you quit you can listen to his inner thoughts on having finally beaten Sonic. Which reveals he was playing up the respect while basically celebrating himself on the inside.
You can only have a villain suffer abject failure so many times before they become a joke. Word of advice to any future gamemakers, let the villain win sometimes, or at least throw in some stalemates and pyrrhic victories.
This is the villain who pissed on the moon, he deserves respect.
I feel like Eggman in the Sonic Movie is a great step in the right direction. Sure he’s extremely comical, but there were multiple scenes where he’s dealt with people who underestimate him. (Yeeting the biker, the bully drinking out of a straw story, even won some matches against Sonic) He’s what “Boost-Era” Eggman tried to be.
Eggman is the reason why 'Intelligence' and 'Wisdom' are two different stats in D&D, and real life.
Fun fact: In the Fleetway comics, whenever his badniks failed to capture Sonic, they will be forced to jump in this pit of lava and it will turn them into new robots and we all know that there are animals still trapped in the badniks so he basically killed more than hundreds of animals.
I love how he was handled in the movies. He was funny, but not treated like a joke. He’s a genuine threat
I always agrees with your characters analysis . However , for Eggman being scared of Metal Sonic , i think it’s because he is the one who build it and in Heroes , he knows that he has absorbed the datas and how invincible he really is .
I personally prefer Eggman being a balance of both serious & comedic. Like Aku from "Samurai Jack," Mojo Jojo from "The Powerpuff Girls," Hades from "Hercules," and most Power Rangers villains.
I love Eggman's big goof moments, but I also love him being a genuine threat and has the guns to back it up. The movie version of him is a perfect example. Jim Carrey, the writers, everybody involved in the story of the movies have blown it out of the park with Robotnik as a character
A major problem with recurring villains like Bowser and Eggman is a thing called villain decay. They're at their most menacing in their first outing as a villain, and to preserve that, subsequent entries need to either scale up the evil by making them do more evil things, strike the hero where it hurts, like killing a loved one or destroying their passion project, or let the villain win. Otherwise, the villain will lose some of their threat because we've dealt with them before, and after said villain has been defeated tens of times, it's really hard to keep them feeling like a true villain. The logical extreme of this is Team Rocket, which Eggman as fallen to a couple times in the past, namely in the Boom TV series, where they're less "villain" and more "minor inconvenience."
In eggmans defense in heros, he knew exactly how strong metal sonic had become at that point and knew that the 7 emeralds were the only chance they had. Back in adventure, he went up against perfect chaos with an idea of how strong he was, since eggman had been with chaos for all of his forms, he knew how much power he had gained with each emerald, so he figured he had fire power to take him down, not realizing just how strong perfect chaos actually was
13:06 I love how even though Tails responds with some cheesy “we all did it together” thing that doesn’t really relate to the conversation, Eggman just tells him that he’s right. He doesn’t want to make Tails feel bad in a somber moment of grief, and he doesn’t want to upset the people surrounding him, the only people who care about him.
On the topic of Engman being both intimidating and goofy as well as his early voice actors: Alfred Coleman as Eggman in the Real Time Fandubs walks that balance well and does justice to the character. There is a reason why Eggman’s Announcement is iconic.
His peak definitely was when he pissed on the moon
I always hated Eggman’s portrayal in Unleashed. You have the opening cutscene where he outsmarts and defeats Sonic in his Super form no less and it’s like “Oh shit Eggman did it! And he sent Sonic to his death and split the world apart he really means business this time.” Then you see him in the Africa continent and nobody is afraid of him and a goddamn child throws a rock at him, hits him and even his robot is laughing at him. Then in the ending cutscene where he tries to kick Orbot and misses and lands on his ass like a loser. Like why would I take this guy seriously when literally no one not even the game does?
Going a bit on how intimidating Eggman’s voice was in the old Adventure games, I always remembered the way Eggman takes in the final Tails Boss fight. He isn’t loud, he isn’t brash. He just got beat by sonic and Sonic’s little friend (in Eggman’s view) just thwarted his backup plan. He is pissed, and just the low way he tries to intimidate Tails made it clear to me he was not playing around anymore.
Adventure 2 Eggman was Eggman at his most peak from being a threatening villian by threatening the President to outsmarting Sonic and Tails and to eventually realising his mistake he made by following his Grandfather's plan Both him and Knuckles were written at their peak in Sonic Adventure 2 Also PJ you should make a video of how Knuckles is like in Sonic X and maybe even Eggman himself too