The bass riff from Play That Funky Music is so memorable. Thanks for the video. This song is in my 70’s workout playlist!
I saw an update on that guy who wrote it. He is still living high on that one song. Driving an exotic car, living in beachfront property in San Diego I believe. Good for him. Invested wisely, and still gets residuals for life.
Another great job I didn’t know any of that!
Both were great! It amazes me how inspiration comes to people. Thanks so much!
Great tune... ❤
Donny Iris was in that band and had some solo success.
What an awesome story! I had no idea WC were actually rockers! Now I get to do some WC research, thanks GT!! ✌️🤘
Another outstanding post!
Thank you Mr guitar Trooper
I knew none of that! Great video!
Another good job 👏
Well, if you're going to have only one hit, it better be something people still remember 50 years later.
Breaking new ground for me...excellent!
They may have thought they were doing disco, but they were playing funk. The two styles might have been musical cousins, but they definitely came from different neighborhoods and were not always on good terms. In any case I wish people would stop conflating them.
only hit...sometimes you only need one...we are still talking about 50 years later...I remember it well..
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! You know what happens NEXT! 😸😸😸
Average White Band played PICK UP THE PIECES but my whole life I thought they did Funky Music as well😅
In Australia in the 60's we had a legendary psych band called the Wild Cherries. Back in '76 DJs were at great pains to point out that PTFM was Wild CHERRY, not CHERRIES